Abstract: | 自2020年起嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎(COVID-19)在全球的大流行,已造成世界經濟和醫療保健危機,影響至今仍使數十億人口引發對未知的恐懼及恐慌。本研究探討在臺灣嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎(COVID-19)環境下影響消費者購買生鮮雜貨之消費行為,透過運用「刺激-有機體-反應」模型(S-O-R模型, Stimulus-Organism-Response model),探討外部環境刺激(感知威脅、感知信息過載、時間稀缺、數量稀缺)對消費者內在狀態(悲傷、焦慮、認知失調、感知喚醒)其情緒狀態產生何種變化,及兩調節變項(過度使用社交軟體及驅動衝動購買力)交互作用之關係,進而影響到消費者其購買意圖及反應購買行為(衝動性購買及強迫性購買)。
本研究根據上述模型,針對臺灣消費者以分層隨機發放網路問卷進行實證研究,共計回收875名有效問卷進行統計分析,使用結構方程模型及多元階層迴歸分析檢驗模型與假說。主要研究消費者在疫情影響下對生鮮雜貨的消費行為及決策因素,藉以提升S-O-R模型的理論意涵,經研究結果顯示,感知威脅、感知訊息過載、悲傷、焦慮、認知失調、感知喚醒均會顯著正向影響消費者之衝動性購買及強迫性購買行為,唯時間稀缺及數量稀缺對於感知喚醒影響程度不顯著,而過度使用社交軟體驗證可調節消費者和時間稀缺、數量稀缺與感知喚醒之間的關係,具調節交互作用,在驅動衝動購買力驗證可調節認知失調及感知喚醒對衝動性購買行為之間的關係,具調節交互作用。另本研究亦討論實務意涵及未來可研究的方向,為未來的研究者提供相關研究參考,也為相關通路營運業者提供較佳的策略方法。 ;Since the global crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic has ravaged the world economy and healthcare, the impact has still caused billions of people to fear and panic about the unknown. This study investigated consumers grocery shopping behavior in the context of a public health emergency—the COVID-19 pandemic in Taiwan.
The research proposal based on the literature review, guided by the S-O-R theory (stimulus-organism-response) paradigm, proposes a model for exploring the effects of external stimuli (perceived threat, perceived information overload, scarcity of time, and scarcity quantity) related to COVID-19 on consumers internal states (sadness, anxiety, cognitive dissonance and perceived arousal ),how consumers emotional status will accordingly affect their purchase intention and two moderators (excessive use of social media and the urge to buy impulsively), they’re subsequent behavioral(impulsive buying and obsessive buying).
Research findings are based on a stratified random sampling collected from 875 Taiwanese consumers , with the approach of structural equation modeling and hierarchical regression. The study found direct effects of perceived threat, perceived information overload, sadness, anxiety, cognitive dissonance, and perceived arousal all significantly and positively affect consumer impulse buying and obsessive buying behavior. Only scarcity of time and scarcity of quantity have no significant effects on the degree of influence. Excessive use of social media verification can moderate the relationship between consumers scarcity of time, scarcity of quantity and perceived arousal, which has a moderating effects. The urge to buy impulsively verification can moderate the relationship between cognitive dissonance and perceived arousal of impulsive buying behavior, which has a moderating effects. The results of this paper not only provide future researchers with the related studies of reference but also provide grocery operators with the best strategy approaches. |