飲食及運動對於許多疾病具有直接或間接的影響。例如代謝症 候群、糖尿病以及心血管疾病。而這些影響會在血液檢測中得到顯現。 例如高密度脂蛋白會降低得到心血管疾病的風險。本研究旨在發現飲 食習慣以及運動習慣變化與血液檢測數值變化的關聯性。 本研究利用聯新國際醫院自 2006 年到 2011 年收集的資料。資 料收取 30 歲以上的群體,我們使用的變項包含 21 種身體檢查數值、 10 種飲食習慣、有無運動習慣、性別以及年齡。我們將具有複數次檢 查結果的群體找出,並合併得出生活習慣變化以及檢查數值變化幅度。 我們使用一種機器學習技術,稱為關聯性分析,來尋找生活習慣改變 與身體檢測數值的關聯性。 在女性中我們找到 21 條規則。影響較多的生活習慣是喝咖啡有 3 條、喝茶有 5 條、有運動 4 條。在男性中我們找到 20 條規則,影 響較大的生活習慣則是吃點心有 4 條,喝豆漿有 4 條 咖啡與總膽固醇上升成正相關在女性。多喝茶可以促進高密度 脂蛋白上升來降低得到心血管疾病的風險,運動對於減重及降低心血 管疾病風險因子有關。在男性方面。吃點心會增進心血管疾病因子上 升,豆漿飲用量減少會導致膽固醇下降。 ;Diet and exercise have a direct or indirect effect on many diseases. Examples include Metabolic syndrome (Mets), diabetes mellitus type 2 (DMT2), and cardiovascular atherosclerotic diseases (CVD). These effects can be seen in blood chemistry tests. This study aimed to find the association between changes in diet and exercise and changes in blood chemistry test values. Our data was collected by Landseed international hospital from 2006 to 2011. We used 21 physical examination values, 10 dietary habits, exercise, gender, and age. We identified groups with multiple test results and combined them to derive changes in lifestyle and test values. We use a machine learning technique called association rule mining to find the association between lifestyle changes and body test values. The result shows 21 rules in females. The more influential lifestyles are Coffee (3/21), Tea (5/21), and Exercise (4/21). Among men, The result shows 20 rules in males. The more influential lifestyle are dessert (4/20), soymilk (4/20) exercise (3/20). Coffee is positively associated with CHO rise (CVD risk factor) in women. Drinking more tea can promote the rise of HDL to reduce the risk of getting CVD, and exercise is related to weight loss and lower CVD risk factors. In men, Dessert increases CVD risk factors, and reduced soymilk consumption leads to a decrease in CHO and an increase in UA. Soymilk is negatively associated with GPT (liver function index). Stopping exercise increased BMI and CHO (CVD risk factor)