台灣軸子偵測實驗(TASEH)是一個尋找質量為20 μeV 的軸子和類軸 子粒子的實驗,軸子同時也是暗物質的候選粒子之一,在本實驗中,我們 使用微波共振腔和低噪放大器檢測強磁場下軸子轉換成光子的信號,本篇 論文會詳細描述我們是如何設計實驗參數跟分析我們於西元2021年10月至 11月所取的實驗數據。;The Taiwan Axion Search Experiment with Haloscope (TASEH) is a haloscope experiment to search for axions and axion-like-particles with a mass of 20 µeV. The axion is a compelling particle candidate for dark matter. In this experiment, we use a microwave cavity and low-noise amplifiers to detect the signal of axion-to-photon conversion under a strong magnetic field. This is a thesis about the design of experimental parameters and the analysis of the CD102 data that were collected in October-November 2021.