摘要: | 位於中國福建省的閩西客家方言區包含武平、上杭、永定、長汀、連城、寧化、清流七縣以及明溪縣之大半。因其地處閩、粵、贛三省之交界,又歷經人口遷徙變動及不同族群間的交融沖刷,形成複雜多樣的語言樣貌,引起研究者的興趣。 本研究即以閩西北部的清流、寧化二縣為研究對象,擇取清流城關、林畬、長校和寧化城關、石壁等地進行語言調查,並就所得的第一手資料對其音韻、詞彙、語法進行探討。論文第二章呈現各方言點的平面語音系統,理出各地的共時語音特色。第三、四章分別就聲母、韻母及聲調的古今變化進行微觀的描述與分析,同時嘗試解釋音變的動因和路徑,並於第五章綜整二縣方言的音韻特點。除了音韻的討論,本研究於第六章探討清流、寧化各地詞彙的異同及其與周邊方言的聯繫,另外也將主要句式和語法標記的基本用法呈現其中。 音韻方面,清流、寧化話除了保有客家方言共同的聲韻特點,也有其地域性特色,例如:泥來母洪混、細有別;部分船書禪母合口三等字聲母讀f-;輔音韻尾不全,元音韻尾亦趨於消失;假攝開口二等主要元音後高化;果、蟹攝開口一等發生元音破裂;遇攝部分字反映早期南方方言「魚、虞有別」的層次;咸攝一、二等部分有別,甚至保留古代「覃、談有別」的痕跡。五個方言點亦各自另有其他特異之處。 詞彙方面,透過比較可以發現,清流內部的詞彙歧異度較寧化高。另外,由於地緣上的影響,林畬的諸多詞彙具有明顯的閩語特徵,尤與閩中、閩北方言接近;長校有相當一部分和閩西中、南部縣份或是客家方言普遍的說法表現相同;清流城關及寧化二地則有不少與江西客、贛語趨近的情況。語法表現上,名詞的「AA」式構詞以及「l-疊韻語素」後加形式為二縣方言之特色。主要句式的基本結構與其他客家話大致相同,特色則在於語法詞的使用和意義上的差別。至於句中的各個語法成分如何搭配,則是未來需再進一步調查、探究的問題。 ;Minxi hakka dialect area, located in Fujian province of China, includes 8 counties named Wuping, Shanghang, Changting, Liancheng, Ninghua, Qingliu, and Mingxi. Geographically, this area lies on the boarder of Fujian, Guangdong, and Jiangxi provinces, where people migrated in and out, causing drastic population change and ethical interactions. Geographical and historical factors contribute to dialect complexity that arouses the researcher’s interest. This research aims to discover language facts of northern Minxi Hakka dialect spoken by people living in Qingliu and Ninghua. We have done language investigation on five locations in the two counties, including Chengguan of both counties, Linshe, Changxiao and Shibi. With first-hand materials, we take a close look at phonological, lexical, and grammatical parts of the language. Chapter 2 deals with synchronic phonological phenomenon, while Chapter 3-5 discuss about diachronic or historical ones. Chapter 6 compares word-using differences of the five locations, as well as sentence and grammatical markers. Phonologically, dialects in Qingliu and Ninghua preserves common features of Hakka, while they also bear some regional characteristics of their own. For example, initials Ni and Lai blend before rhyme grade I and II but differ before rhyme grade III and IV; part of consonants Chuan, Shu, and Chan are pronounced “f-” in front of closed grade III rhymes. Finals show there distinguishing features, too. For instance, both consonant and vowel endings are losing; vowels in some rhymes are changing to be back and high or undergoing the process of vowel breaking; some sounds today reflect ancient phonological features in rhymes Yu and Xian. Comparing word application among the five locations, we find that dialects of Qingliu are lexically more complex and inconsistent than those in Ninghua. Besides, due to geographical relation, lexicon of each spot tend to assimilate with its neighboring dialects. “AA” reduplicative and “l-onset rhymed infix” are distinctive grammatical characters of both counties. Sentence structure is basically common with other Hakka dialects, but there is a need for further research on detailed usage of grammatical words. |