Abstract: | 我們研究了具有雙極電阻開關特性的超薄氧化鋁磁穿隧接面中的低頻雜訊。 從隨機電報雜訊對偏壓的關係,揭示了在高與低電阻狀態下瞬間傳輸動態(電子被捕獲或釋放)的檢測,當調控鐵磁金屬之費米能級靠近AlO$_x$ 的缺陷態時,偵測到這兩種電阻態具有不同的局部缺陷能量與位置。同時實驗的結果也藉由緊束縛近似模型與JunPy程序得到很好的三種電阻狀態的模擬關係。研究結果表明,此缺陷可視為帶正電的氧空缺,因此會受到負向電場的吸引,導致 AlO$_x$ 中氧空位遷移,而達到高與低電阻狀態的切換。簡而言之,我們透過雜訊確認了磁穿隧接面中具電阻切換行為的傳輸機制。;We study the low-frequency noise in the ultrathin (1.5 nm) AlOx based magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ) with bipolar resistive switching (RS). From the bias dependence of random telegraph noise (RTN) analysis, we reveal the instant detection of the charge dynamics transport (such as capture and emission event) in the high (HRS) and low resistance states (LRS), they exhibit different localized trap energy and location. We also use the tight-binding model by the JunPy package to confirm the noise information, we found that the simulation I-V curve also has the behavior of RS states. The results show that the oxygen vacancy with a positive charge could be attracted by the polarity of the electric field, resulting in the migration of oxygen vacancy in the AlOx. In short, we study the charge transport of RS in the MTJ by noise analysis. |