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題名: | 客庄特色產業之研究-以苗栗縣公館鄉紅棗產業為例;One Town One Product Industries in Hakka Villages — A Study of the Jujube |
作者: | 李秀蓮;Lee, Hsiu-Lien |
貢獻者: | 客家語文暨社會科學學系客家研究碩士在職專班 |
關鍵詞: | 客家特色產業;一鄉一特產;公館紅棗產業;Hakka industries;One Town One Product;jujube industry in Gongguan |
日期: | 2022-09-26 |
上傳時間: | 2022-10-04 11:18:10 (UTC+8) |
出版者: | 國立中央大學 |
摘要: | 苗栗縣公館鄉是台灣地區紅棗唯一的生產專業區,紅棗產業發展至今已有一百四十年以上的歷史。自1989年以降,經濟部中小企業處開始推動一鄉一特產政策起,各個鄉鎮開始為提升地方特色產業而努力,利用當地獨特的地形、產品獨一無二的特性、並應用在地深厚的文化,來帶動地方產業的觀光價值,促進傳統產業轉型與升級,以提升產品的品質,增進地方特色產業發展。本研究以族群認同理論為出發點,以資源共享的概念為核心,採取次級文獻分析、質性分析及半結構式深度訪談法,探討客庄地方特色產業,了解紅棗產業發展歷程。
研究結果顯示,紅棗原產於中國大陸的品種,經移民潮居民由原鄉攜入台灣栽植後,在台灣苗栗縣公館鄉落地生根,自戰後紅棗在台灣經歷進口南北年貨、管制藥材到養生消費的歷程之轉變,有鑒於此,本研究以客庄特色產業之研究—以苗栗縣公館鄉紅棗產業為例,其研究目的有二: 一、探究苗栗公館紅棗產業發展歷程 二、探究苗栗公館紅棗產業發展困境與建議。
本研究透過文獻資料及實地探訪當地紅棗產業之相關人士,逐步爬梳出紅棗產業發展歷程及探討公館紅棗業者藉由經營方式與行銷模式的改變,來面對社會環境變更及消費市場的改變,以達永續經營之目標。 本研究歸納出苗栗縣公館鄉客庄紅棗特色產業發展的脈絡,目前所面臨之問題及發展可行之因應對策,期望公館之紅棗產業能夠繼續發揚光大,以改善農民生活及農業經濟,讓發展得以並進,促進地方產業的發展及永續經營,成為苗栗縣公館鄉發展觀光產業的最大亮點。;Gongguan Township of Miaoli County is the only area in Taiwan dedicated to the production of jujubes, which has more than 140 years of history. Since the launch of the "One Town One Product" (OTOP) policy by the Small and Medium Enterprise Administration of the Ministry of Economic Affairs in 1989, townships across Taiwan have worked hard to enhance their OTOP industries by making use of their unique terrain and one-of-a-kind products as well as the vibrant local culture. They have promoted tourism in local industries and facilitated the transformation and upgrade of traditional industries to increase product quality and enhance local OTOP development. This study is based on the theory of ethnic identity with the concept of resource sharing at its core. Secondary analysis, qualitative analysis, and semistructured in-depth interviews were used to study the OTOP industries of Hakka villages to learn about the history of the jujube industry.
The research showed that jujubes were native to Mainland China and were brought in by immigrants from their hometowns to Taiwan where they were mainly grown in Gongguan Township, Miaoli County. After the end of World War II, Taiwan underwent a transformation from the import of New Year′s goods and restrictions on pharmaceuticals to consumption based on healthy diets. Therefore, this study, titled "One Town One Product Industries in Hakka Villages — A Study of the Jujube Industry in Gongguan Township of Miaoli County", has two research objectives: 1. Study the history of the jujube industry in Gongguan Township, Miaoli County; 2. Study the difficulties in the development of the jujube industry in Gongguan Township, Miaoli County and propose recommendations.
The study includes document analysis and onsite interviews of professionals in the local jujube industry to assess the history of the jujube industry and the changes in business operations and marketing models of the jujube operators in Gongguan as they faced changes in the society, environment, and the consumer market to attain sustainable development.
This study identifies key developments in the history of the jujube Industry in Gongguan Township of Miaoli County as well as the current challenges and development of feasible response strategies with the aim of supporting the continuous growth of the jujube industry in Gongguan. The industry is expected to improve the livelihood of farmers and the agricultural economy, facilitate even development, promote local industry development and sustainability, and become the highlight of the tourism industry in Gongguan Township of Miaoli County. |
顯示於類別: | [客家研究碩士在職專班] 博碩士論文
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