「三明治世代」是形容家庭中的中間世代,他們承擔著對上一代父母親的照顧責任,以及對下一代子女的撫養義務。中間世代夾在上下兩代的生活壓力之間,這個情境就像是三明治一樣。 在亞里斯多德的《尼各馬科倫理學》中,將「幸福」(古希臘字,eudaimonia)定義為人生中最高的善。因此《尼各馬科倫理學》也被認為是追求「幸福」人生的重要哲學。 本論文將藉由亞里斯多德的《尼各馬科倫理學》來探討「三明治世代」的職涯發展的壓力、子女教養的壓力與父母奉養的艱難。 一、 職涯發展的壓力 將藉由亞里斯多德的「慎思明辨」與「中庸之道」,來探討工作職涯與人生的幸福之道。 二、 子女教養的壓力 將藉由亞里斯多德的「友誼」哲學,來探討親子之間的相處之道。重新審視家庭教育的重點,緩解望子成龍的壓力。 三、 父母奉養的艱難 將藉由亞里斯多德「幸福」哲學中的「默觀」,協助父母達到人生的圓滿,並藉由傳承圓滿世代間的幸福。 外在環境的改變,為工作與家庭都帶來壓力,本研究期許為「三明治世代」在職涯發展、子女教養與父母奉養,找出幸福的生活哲學。 ;The “sandwich generation” refers to the middle generation in a family who are sandwiched and pressured by the obligation to care for their parents and children. In Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, happiness (eudaimonia) is defined as the supreme good in life. Therefore, Nicomachean Ethics has been regarded as an important philosophy that pursues a life of happiness. This thesis will investigate three aspects of sandwich generation from the standpoint of Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics: 1. The Pressures of Career Development This thesis will discuss the way of happiness regarding career and life by means of Aristotle’s “careful reflection and clear discrimination” and “moderation”. 2. The Pressures of Parenting Based on Aristotle′s philosophy of "friendship," this thesis discusses how parents and children can live together, rethinking key points of family education in order to alleviate the pressures that come with the enormous expectation of one′s child to succeed in life. 3. The Hardship of Looking after Parents The “contemplation” proposed in Aristotle’s philosophy of “happiness” promotes parents to achieve consummation, which can be passed on through generations to achieve happiness. Changes in circumstances have put a strain on both work and family. This research is expected to seek out a philosophy of happy life in relation to the three aspects mentioned above for the “sandwich generation”.