近年由於溫室氣體造成得地球暖化越來越嚴重,各國專家對於新替代能源及能源回收的研究日益增加,熱電發電是近幾年熱門的研究領域,利用溫差來發電,只要能夠收集廢熱並產生溫度上的落差便能產生電能。近年研究發現MgAgSb作為一種高效能、無毒且豐富的低溫區熱電材料有淺力取代有毒性且較稀有的Bi2Te3化合物,因此MgAgSb成為科學家熱門研究主題。 本實驗對P型MgAgSb熱電材料摻雜不同比例的Mg2Sn,實驗得出摻雜0.2 at%及0.25 at%的試片有最佳的熱電特性,再比較兩者的平均ZT後發現摻雜0.2 at%的試片有較高的平均ZT值。嘗試四種方式製作接觸金屬試片,分別為導電金屬漿料、金屬粉末壓成薄片、金屬薄片及沉積金屬,嘗試不同金屬在試片上下兩側製作一層金屬後高溫燒結,觀察試片與接觸金屬的接合效果,發現P型MgAgSb試片使用Ni粉末壓成薄片作為接觸金屬有較佳的接合及最大的Seebeck值落在110 μV/K至125 μV/K。相比於單純MgAgSb試片的Seebeck值(105 μV/K至135 μV/K),並沒有太大的差異,並不會因為多了接觸金屬後而造成原Seebeck的降低。 單對N-P熱電元件的實驗分別製作了三種不同製程方式的元件,使用耐高溫凸緣密封膠作為試片及玻璃片空隙的接合物後,於試片串聯處塗上太陽能導電Ag漿高溫燒結後電鍍Ni金屬層的製作方式有較大的輸出電壓及輸出功率元件,最大輸出電壓約7.9mV而最大輸出功率約為1 μW。;Global warming has become more and more serious in recent years, and experts are devoting in searching alternative energy. Thermoelectric materials are promising candidates. Recently, studies have found that MgAgSb, as a high-efficiency, non-toxic thermoelectric material in the low temperature region, could have the potential to replace the toxic and rare Bi2Te3 compounds. In this study, the P-type MgAgSb thermoelectric material was doped with different ratio of Mg2Sn. The experiments proved that MgAgSb doped with 0.2 at% and 0.25 at% shows better thermoelectric properties and the one doping with 0.2 at% Mg2Sn is the best. Different contact metals were tested, and the result shows that Ni is suitable with the best Seebeck value between 110 μV/K and 125 μV/K. For thermoelectric devices, Ag paste coating and electroplated Ni are used, and it presents large output voltage and power (approximately 7.9mV and the 1 μW, respectively).