在這篇論文中,我們探討了基於Extended H∞ filter 所設計的載
Earth orbit)通訊系統。由於衛星與地面接收站之間的高相對速度所引
的收斂。以及在均方誤差(mean square error) 的精確度上也能夠貼近
於克拉瑪界線(Cramer-Rao Bound)。;In this paper, we investigate the adaptive carrier frequency offset (CFO) estimation method based on the Extended H∞ filter and maximum likelihood estimation of channel coefficients for MIMO-OFDM in low Earth orbit (LEO) satellite communication system. Since the Doppler shift is caused by the high relative velocity between the satellite and the ground receiving station causes the distortion of the received signal. Consequently, to overcome this problem, this study proposes an adaptive communication algorithm and turbo iteration to make the estimated value be close to the
exact value based on MIMO-OFDM for satellite transmission to improve the Doppler effect problem, and further update the Doppler value when the satellite moves to the next time index by using the characteristics that the satellite is moving in a circular orbit along the Earth and the Doppler
feature. The simulation results show that the proposed estimator has good performance under model error and Bernoulli Gaussian impulse noise, and can fast convergence in limited sample sizes, also, compared with the Extended Kalman filter (EKF), because the Extended H∞ filter does not require any information about the interference. The mean square error (MSE) is also near to the Cramer-Rao Bounds (CRBs).