本篇以硝酸鈉 (sadium nitrate) 在酸性條件下對苯環進行氧化反應生成二芳基胺 (diarylamines) 或是芳基溴化物 (aryl bromides),並研究其反應機制。硝酸鈉在酸性條件下會形成NO+ (nitrosonium ion),藉由NO¬+ (nitrosonium ion)與苯環進行一個電子的轉移,進行有選擇性的苯環取代反應。 此方法條件不僅溫和且試劑容易取得,利用此方法可以製備出20種芳基溴化物,最高產率可達100% ; 也可以製備出13種二芳基胺,最高產率可達70%。 ;In this thesis, I report the oxidative substitution reactions of arenes using sodium nitrate under acidic conditions to yield diarylamines or aryl bromides. A series of reactions were conducted to explore the reaction mechanism. NO+ (nitrosonium ion) could be formed under the acidic conditions, and the electron transfer from benzene ring to NO+ generated the benzene radical cation. The conditions of the method are simple and the reagents are easy to obtain. Twenty aryl bromides were prepared with a maximum yield of 100%, and thirteen diarylamines were synthesized with a maximum yield of nearly 70%.