摘要: | 社福型非營利組織是指具有法人資格的正式組織,並依照組織之使命設立目標與運作策略。本研究選擇三個社福型非營利組織作為案例,以文獻分析、次級資料分析、深度訪談作為研究方法,藉由探討當我國COVID-19疫情升溫且政府制定各種防疫政策時,以人為本的社福型非營利組織如何秉持著其之使命與願景發揮公民的力量,形成社會面對各種緊急情況中的支持網,並且加以分析社福型非營利組織在COVID-19疫情之後必須面對的各種挑戰與改變。 在本文的研究發現可以分成三個部分,分別為:第一、社福型非營利組織面對COVID-19疫情展現出臨危不亂的策略,雖然受到傳染病影響原本的營運以及日常服務工作,但他們仍然不畏艱難、保持初衷、堅持使命克服各種問題與挑戰;第二、由於COVID-19疫情讓我國政府制定了許多防疫政策,這些規定限制了社福型非營利組織原來的經營策略,使得組織必須迅速採取各種創新的作為來取代舊有的運作模式,而疫情連帶也促進與深化了數位轉型;第三、社福型非營利組織在COVID-19疫情衝擊之中,雖然一開始募款獲得的經費減少,然而在情況可以稍加控制、景氣回溫之時,原本不足的財務狀況也順利地補足了,並沒有與往常差異太大。最後綜合上述本文的研究發現,本研究分別針對社福型非營利組織、政府提出建議,藉以提供未來社會福利型非營利組織發展之參考。;A social welfare nonprofit organization is a formal organization with a legal personality and has set goals and operational strategies by its mission. In this study, three social welfare nonprofit organizations were selected as case studies. Documentary analysis, secondary data analysis, and in-depth interviews were used to investigate how people-oriented social welfare nonprofit organizations can bring into play the power of citizens with their missions and visions, and form a support network for society in various emergencies when the COVID-19 epidemic rises in Taiwan. The government formulates various policies to prevent the pandemic. We also analyze the challenges and changes that social welfare nonprofit organizations must face after the COVID-19 pandemic. The findings of this paper can be divided into three parts: First, welfare nonprofit organizations have demonstrated an unhurried strategy in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, and despite the impact of the pandemic on their original operations and daily service work, they have persevered in their mission to overcome the problems and challenges. These regulations restricted the original business strategies of social welfare nonprofits, making it necessary for them to quickly adapt various innovative practices to replace their old models of operation, and the pandemic also facilitated and deepened digital transformation. In the third part, social welfare nonprofit organizations, despite the initial reduction in fundraising during the COVID-19 pandemic, were able to make up for their financial shortfalls when the situation was under control and the economy rebounded. Finally, summarizing the findings of this paper, this study proposes recommendations for social welfare nonprofit organizations and the government respectively, to provide a reference for the future development of social welfare nonprofit organizations. |