近年群眾募資在台灣有越來越盛行的趨勢,2021年台灣在疫情中進入了三級警戒,整個群眾集資市場的版圖更加擴大,總集資金額33億元,成功專案超過1,500件,與往年相比,更加成熟穩定成長,而居家清潔類、科技家電類的產品也成為群眾募資平台賣得非常好的專案,2021年贊助金額最高的前十名專案裡,更是有八件是代理類的商品,可見群眾集資已經是台灣品牌商相繼投入的商業平台,募資的專案也從新創的品牌,轉而有越來越多的國際知名品牌或名人加入群眾集資的行列,由此可知群眾集資的模式及策略在台灣是非常成功的。 本研究針對2021年超級成功群眾募資產品專案之策略及成功因素做為研究方向,以不同類型的專案,代理類、公益類、原創類在不同的通路募資平台,嘖嘖、挖貝、獨立集資做樣本選擇,挑出五個超級成功的代表性專案,首先以SWOT分析進行募資專案的內部分析和外部分析,接著再以STP行銷、行銷策略分析彙整出五個超級成功募資專案的成功因素及策略,最後將研究歸納出以下五點結論: 一、掌握產品優勢,抓住機會 二、發覺沒有被滿足卻可接近且足量的區隔市場 三、做出產品定位差異化 四、由推廣策略建立產品的品牌信任感 五、合適的通路或行銷公司帶來募資的曝光及成功;Crowdfunding in Taiwan has exponentially increased in popularity over the last few years. While Taiwan was under level 3 alert during the Covid pandemic, the territory of crowdfunding was greater than ever, and amounting to the scale of TWD 330 million in 2021. Compared to past years, successful funding was over 1,500 projects, and the quality was also growing stably and maturely. In terms of campaign category, house cleaning products and high-tech household appliances are classified as the best-selling projects. There were eight import products out of top 10 highest funding projects in 2021, so crowdfunding has become an actively-invested platform for those Taiwanese brand owners and agents. Besides new brands, more and more well-known international brands or local celebrities have participated in the crowdfunding campaigns. Therefore, the attempt of studying the model and strategy of successful crowdfunding in Taiwan is rather significant.
This paper seeks the strategy and factors of those highly successful crowdfunding projects in Taiwan in 2021. Five highly-successful campaigns present from different backgrounds: Brand agent, charity and original works; and from various platforms: ZecZec, WaBay and Independent funding. In the beginning, the internal strengths and weaknesses and external opportunities and threats of each crowdfunding project is analyzed by SWOT. In addition, STP marketing and Marketing strategy analysis contribute to the same victorious factors and strategy of those highly-successful campaigns. Finally, it closes by drawing five conclusions as below: 1. Master its advantages and grab opportunities. 2. Explore the segmentation market that is not satisfied but close to sufficiency. 3. Position and diversify the product. 4. Build up the brand trust of product by promotional strategy. 5. Introduce the exposure and success of funding by appropriate channels or marketing company.