本研究探討以費雪指標做為選股依據,再以巴菲特指數、基本面、技術面及籌碼面組合做為投資策略。因此,本研究透過不同的投資策略組合,試圖為所選擇之個股建構出最佳交易時機,以期達到減少風險及提高獲利之目的。本研究以記憶體概念股為研究之標的,先以費雪指標來篩選具代表性的企業做為研究之投資組合,再以技術面MA移動平均線、KD、MACD、RSI及籌碼面等相關組合來建構出最佳的交易策略。最後,再以本研究所建構出個股之最佳交易策略績效對比長期持有、半導體類股指數及大盤指數之漲跌幅。本研究結果發現:個股都有其特性,並無法使用同一個交易策略在所有的標的物上,同時,實測研究結果顯示,在使用本研究選用出來之最佳交易策略績效優於長期持有以及同類股之指數漲幅。;This research attempts to construct the best trading strategy for the selected sample stocks trying to achieve minimal risk and maximum profit. The analyses of fundamental, technical and market chips conditions are utilized combining with the Fisher and the Buffet index.
This study focuses on listed firms in the memory industrial stocks. Firstly, the Fisher index is used to screen the research portfolio of the sample companies. Secondly, the MA moving average, KD, MACD, RSI lines and market chips status are applied to construct the best trading strategy. Lastly, this research constructs the best trading strategy for each individual stocks and compares the performance of the sample firms against long-term holdings, semiconductor stock index and the broader market index. The results indicate that individual stocks have their own specific characteristics, and it is impossible to use the same trading strategy for all sample stocks. However, the performance based on the best trading strategy is better than that of long-term holding, semiconductor stock index and the broader market index performance.