本文從描述台灣少子化現象,檢討人口結構的變化狀況對於台灣社會以及製造業人力需求的影響,並以分析某製造業個案公司的人力資源管理對策,進一步驗證適合台灣製造業的人力發展政策。本文發現除了具吸引力的薪資之外,優質的工作環境與制度更能夠讓員工享受工作的成就感與留住人才;針對製造業實施的開放外籍勞工政策引進外籍人才,尚需要搭配友善外籍員工的公司文化,與長遠的外籍員工選訓培育制度;政府推動產學合作,需要企業提出相關配套措施加上家庭社會對於技職教育的支持,才能夠創造企業與學生雙贏的局面;更長遠的做法是推動智能化,讓公司發展更國際化,更具競爭力,帶著企業邁向永續經營。;This thesis illustrates the issues of the declining birthrate, the transition in demographics and the impacts on the manufacturing industry in Taiwan. By analyzing the human resource policy of a manufacturing enterprise (Company N), we verify a few key factors that determine the best human resource development strategy for Taiwan′s manufacturing industry. We find that other than competitive salary schemes, a high-quality working environment and promotion system help employees to reach satisfaction from work and the company to retain talents. The implementation of a foreign labor policy in the manufacturing industry needs to be reinforced with a foreigner-friendly corporate culture and a long-term cultivation and training program. With government’s promotion on industry-academia collaboration, to create a win-win situation requires companies to provide relevant supporting measures in education and the society to stand behind. The long-term approach is to employ automated system operations. It can help the company become internationalized with improved competitiveness, and finally move towards sustainable development.