隨著越來越多消費者期望品牌在分歧的政治和社會問題上採取立場,企業政治倡導 (CPA) 變得越來越普遍。本研究調查了品牌忠誠度、產品類別 (享樂型或功能型) 和自我解釋 (獨立或相互依賴) 如何影響消費者對品牌的選擇意願。雖然過去多數研究表明 CPA 參與的負面淨效應,但本研究認為,仍有特定因素可以透過增加消費者的購買意願來降低負面影響。本研究的貢獻包含表明忠誠度和產品類別在 CPA 影響中的作用,並讓品牌和零售商能夠依據自身情況制定 CPA 策略。品牌可以根據他們銷售的產品類型和客戶的特徵來考慮是否表達他們對分歧的社會或政治議題的看法。;Corporate political advocacy (CPA) has become more prevalent as consumers increasingly expect brands to take stances on political and social issues. This study investigates how brand loyalty, product category (hedonic or utilitarian), and self-construal (independent or interdependent) impact consumers′ choices in response to a brand′s CPA stance. While most research suggests a negative net effect of CPA engagement, this study argues that specific cases can attenuate the negative effect by increasing consumers′ willingness to choose their products. This study’s contributions include highlighting the role of consumer loyalty and product categories in influencing the impact of CPA and enabling brand owners and retailers to develop CPA strategies. Brands can consider whether to express their views on divisive social or political issues based on the types of products they sell and the characteristics of their customers.