當Agent看不懂相近語意但不同的ontology instance時,要透過ontology alignment system (OAS) 來align不同的ontology,使agent看懂之。本OAS好處有: 1)可調整比對方法,使用開放式plug-in架構,因此,可隨時調整(新增或刪除)比對方法, 2) 分散式處理,遵循XML-RPC架構,使用XML訊息格式,並用HTTP POST為傳送協定,因此,OAS間的溝通可跨平台、跨語言,且易使用,這使 OAS間可分享不同ontology。 When an agent does not understand a similar, but different ontology instance, an ontology alignment system (OAS) can align different ontologies so that the agent can understand it. The benefits of this OAS are: 1) adjustable (to add or to delete) matching strategy and 2) distributed processing that follows XML-RPC architecture and uses XML message format and HTTP POST transmission protocol, which makes OAS communication across platform and language. Different OAS can thus share different ontologies.