供應鏈的資訊共享是現今商業環境中一個相當重要的課題,在傳統的共享模式下,通常會指定一個服務供應商來進行資訊的協調,但這卻產生了資訊存取控制中心化的問題。為而區塊鏈因其透明性與不可篡改性,成為一個十分適合協助供應鏈夥伴共享資訊的技術。然而現有的供應鏈資訊共享框架缺乏有效的隱私保護機制,並且多數並未考慮如何解決大規模資料共享下難以取得特定檔案的問題。在本文中,我們提出了一種結合IPFS與區塊鏈的檔案共享機制,並以CP-ABE降低檔案加解密所需的金鑰保管成本,再透過Attribute Cuckoo Filter達成有效率且安全的檔案搜尋機制。通過實驗證明,本文所提出的架構是可行的,且相較於現有的研究在搜尋準確性與計算成本上我們的架構有顯著的優勢。;Information sharing in supply chains is a significant issue in the current business environment. Under traditional sharing models, a service provider is typically designated to coordinate information sharing, leading to the problem of centralized control over information access. Blockchain, with its transparency and immutability, has emerged as a highly suitable technology to assist in information sharing among supply chain partners. However, existing frameworks for supply chain information sharing lack effective privacy protection mechanisms and most do not consider how to address the issue of difficulty in searching for files when they are encrypted. In this paper, we propose a file-sharing mechanism that combines the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) and blockchain. We use Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption (CP-ABE) to reduce the cost of repeated file encryption and decryption and apply Attribute Cuckoo Filter to achieve an efficient and secure file search mechanism. Through experimentation, we demonstrate that the proposed framework is viable and has a significant advantage over existing research in terms of search accuracy and computational cost.