本論文提出了一種利用石英基板整合製程之毫米波寬頻增益優化韋瓦第天線,通過在開口處添加寄生元件,可以修正韋瓦第天線開口處的相位分布。此外,在天線邊緣的兩側添加倒T形槽孔,可以阻止沿著天線邊緣返回的反向電流。這兩種優化使增益在106 GHz時提高了1.7 dBi。單一天線的模擬阻抗頻寬為49.71至110.89 GHz,在頻寬內具有3.89至9.88 dBi的增益,面積為2 λ0 × 1.2 λ0 × 0.08 λ0。此外,使用共平面波導轉共平面線功率分配器設計了一個由兩個天線單元組成的天線陣列,模擬的阻抗頻寬為46.22至113.86 GHz ,於頻寬內的增益為6至11.89 dBi。單一天線和天線陣列均採用低損耗、低剖面的石英基板製成。單一天線的量測頻寬為50.56~88.05 GHz,量測增益為3~8.21 dBi。二單元天線陣列的量測頻寬為52.41~101.59 GHz 和105.53 ~ 114.24 GHz,量測增益為5~9.84 dBi。天線性能適用於需要寬頻的集成毫米波應用。;A millimeter-wave wideband and gain-enhanced Vivaldi antenna using quartz substrate integrated passive device process in the thesis. By adding parasitic elements to the aperture, the phase distribution located at the aperture of the Vivaldi antenna can be corrected. Moreover, inverted T-shaped slots are added on both sides of the antenna edge to block the reverse current returning along the edge of the antenna. Both of these modifications result in a gain enhancement of up to 1.7 dBi at 106 GHz.The single antenna has a simulated impedance bandwidth from 49.71 to 110.89 GHz, and a gain between 3.89 and 9.88 dBi over the bandwidth, with an area of 2 λ0 × 1.2 λ0 × 0.08 λ0. Furthermore, a two-element antenna array designed using a CPW to slotline power divider, with a simulated gain ranging from 6 to 11.89 dBi over the bandwidth from 46.22 to 113.86 GHz. Both single-element antenna and two-element array prototypes are fabricated on low loss and low profile quartz substrate. The measured results of the single antenna show impedance bandwidth from 50.56 to 88.05 GHz, and a gain between 3 and 8.21 dBi over the bandwidth. For the two-element array measured, measured impedance bandwidth from 52.41 to 101.59 GHz and 105.53 to 114.24 GHz, a gain between 5 and 9.84 dBi over the bandwidth, respectively. The antenna performance is suitable for integrated mm-wave applications requiring wide bandwidth.