長久以來家庭裡的最經常為人們所採用的溝通工具電話,以及提供著大量資訊的網路,經常需要同時支付昂貴的電話費與網路使用的費用。而網路的使用與利用,由於網路頻寬的能力限制,因此都單純的只能拿來上網瀏覽網頁、查資料…等,僅侷限於文字訊息的交換與傳遞。隨著網路技術發達與頻寬的拓展,漸漸的網路也被拿來用作影音的傳輸,利用將原始類比語音訊號進一步壓縮與轉換後,變成網路中的封包.充分的利用了網路的資源。另外設備之間的連接,都是需要一條連接線的傳輸,隨著無線電波技術的發展與演進,電話不再需要是牽著一條電話線的聽筒,還可以是一支數位型的無線電話。本篇論文主要順著時代技術的發展與人性化的概念,實作出以無線藍芽技術為基礎,而建構的一個嵌入式的VoIP 系統,讓使用者可以使用此平台方便的與遠方親人通話與聊天。 The telephone is the most basic telecommunications device at home. It allows people to communicate with any other. The cost of telephone service is often expensive than the cost of Internet service. Since the technology is growing fast, the Internet services provide not only text-based content but also various media content. The VoIP technology makes telephone possible to use the Internet and Internet protocol networks to deliver voice communication. Since the wireless technology is evolved, the mobility of VoIP device is improved. The telephone is no longer required to lead a telephone line to the handset. The Bluetooth, a kind of wireless interface, spends the lowest cost, minimum power consumption and the smallest communication interference. This paper proposes an embedded VoIP system using Bluetooth wireless technology. It is convenient for people to talk other people with this VoIP system.