摘要: | 軸子作為一種假想粒子,預計在與電磁場交互作用下會轉換為光子。在軸子探測的實驗中,轉換的光子會在共振腔累積。縱使已累積光子作為訊號,訊號強度仍然很弱,因此準確地校正探測鍊的噪聲至關重要。以往的實驗中,利用Y因子方法校正時,必須假設兩條導線的行為彼此類似,再將一條校正鍊的結果類比至探測鍊。現在,利用共振腔輻射熱校正探測鍊可以免去”相似假設”,而且他的可行性也被證實。此外,使用開關校正方法可以決定參量放大器的增益。整合兩種校正方法,共振腔輻射熱校正與開關校正,便能精確的決定軸子探測的系統雜訊。 ;A hypothetical particle, the axion, is predicted to transform into photons when it interacts with an electromagnetic field. In the haloscope detection, the transformed photons accumulate in a cavity. However, the signal produced by the accumulated axions is still weak, so accurately determining the system noise through calibration is crucial. Tradi tionally, the Y-factor calibration method was necessary to assume that cable losses were similar. However, a new method of cavity-emitted radiation calibration has eliminated the need for this assumption and its feasibility is proven. Additionally, the on-off method has been introduced to characterize the gain of the Josephson parametric amplifier. By integrating the results of radiation calibration and on-off calibration, the system noise can be determined accurately. |