本文所探討的構面為介紹文化與節慶的內涵,再以??龍為主軸貫穿全文脈絡,從舞龍的源起、傳衍的過程、本國各地元宵的特色慶典以及其他國家著名的節慶,最終以訪談法向資深??龍舞者及龍主探討??龍文化未來薪傳可能遇到的困境以及克服方式,讓??龍文化對於在地社群的認同可以持續傳衍,讓客家文化以及在地社群所認同具有苗栗客家元宵表徵的節慶能夠有更高的能見度,甚至躍然於國際。近年來,苗栗的??龍活動已成為展現客家龍文化重要的象徵,透過推動地方觀光旅遊、促進經濟發展,吸引眾多遊客,並以龍文化打造城鎮和景點,成功推廣苗栗的客家傳統龍文化。;Festival culture pulsates through the cultural and social fabric of human communities, serving as a representation of local identity. In Miaoli, a region known for its rich human touch, the Lunar New Year period witnesses a grand celebration that epitomizes local cultural festivities: the Miaoli Dragon Dance. This event not only stands as a focal point among Taiwan′s 12 major Hakka festivals but also constitutes a significant cultural asset for Miaoli.
This paper explores the essence of culture and festivals, with a central focus on the Miaoli Dragon Dance. It delves into the origins of dragon dancing, its evolution, unique Lantern Festival celebrations across Taiwan, and prominent festivals worldwide. Furthermore, it employs interview methodology to discuss potential challenges in the future transmission of dragon dance culture with seasoned performers and dragon masters. The aim is to ensure the continuous transmission of dragon culture within the local community, thereby enhancing visibility for Hakka culture and the local community′s identity through Miaoli′s representation in the Lantern Festival. This effort seeks to elevate Miaoli′s Hakka traditional dragon culture into an internationally recognized celebration, fostering local community cohesion.