人工智慧(AI)的興起,帶動AI伺服器的快速發展,同時也帶動伺服器電源的發展,且產品開發運作方式也逐漸轉變為聯合開發模式,以因應GPU功率發展過快而產生的伺服器硬體初期設計時架構不確定問題。故伺服器電源開發除了更高的技術要求外,也需要更緊密的上下游技術交流。例如液冷散熱對電源的需求,以及更高頻率半導體材料運用在電源設計上解決電源體積問題,種種設計上的想法都需要上下游一併考慮才得以實現。而掌握好這一切就能讓伺服器電源公司搭上AI列車,並實現快速的成長以及保持不錯的利潤。目前雖然技術門檻變高,市場競爭卻更激烈。在這樣競爭激烈的環境中,企業需要調整其業務策略,並制定具有競爭優勢的策略是當務之急。 本研究對個案公司的成長轉型策略進行探討,先分析伺服器與伺服器電源供應器行業的概況,並從下游伺服器廠客戶的角度分析個案公司的競爭策略。運用五力分析有助於個案公司識別機會和威脅,運用SWOT分析有助於識別內部優勢與劣勢,最後制定合宜的策略針對AI伺服器電源市場。研究分析結果,可以供企業發展進一步探索,運用到不同產業的個案啟示,能夠尋找自身在產業中的定位和競爭優勢,識別其內部資源和能力,並制定相應的經營策略來提升價值、增強競爭力。;The rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has accelerated the development of AI servers and their power supplies. Product development is shifting towards joint development models to address initial design uncertainties caused by rapid GPU advancements. Server power supply development now demands higher technical standards and closer collaboration between upstream and downstream sectors. For example, integrating liquid cooling and using higher frequency semiconductor materials to reduce power supply volume are design considerations requiring coordinated efforts. Successfully navigating these aspects allows server power supply companies to benefit from the AI trend, achieving rapid growth and substantial profits. Despite higher technical barriers, market competition is fierce. In this competitive environment, businesses must adjust their strategies and develop competitive advantages.
This study examines the growth and transformation strategies of a case company by analyzing the server and power supply industries and assessing competitive strategies from the perspective of downstream server manufacturers. Porter′s Five Forces analysis helps identify opportunities and threats, while SWOT analysis identifies internal strengths and weaknesses, leading to appropriate strategies for competing in the AI server power supply market. The findings provide insights for businesses across industries to identify their positioning and sources of competitive advantages, recognize their internal resources and capabilities, and develop strategies to enhance value and competitiveness.