現今組織中,菁英人才管理措施的日益重要,其對組織的發展和創新起著關鍵作用。基於社會交換理論和工作鑲嵌理論,組織透過實施菁英人才管理措施來吸引、留住和激勵優秀員工,從而促進組織的發展和創新。這種投資於員工發展的策略不僅提高了員工的工作責任感、成就感和工作動力,同時也加強了菁英人才之間的合作和互動,進而提升了組織的整體效能和競爭力。 本研究以菁英人才管理措施為焦點,探討其對菁英人才間關係的影響。本研究以問卷調查方式針對31家企業的菁英人才展開研究,並運用階層線性模型(HLM)探討組織實施菁英人才管理措施對職涯自我效能和工作敬業度的影響,以及透過知覺職涯支持對其影響的仲介效果。研究結果顯示,菁英人才管理措施與職涯自我效能、工作敬業度及知覺職涯支持之間存在正向關聯。同時,知覺職涯支持在菁英人才管理措施與職涯自我效能、工作敬業度之間具有部分仲介效果。最後,本研究提出相關建議,旨在提供給學術界和業界更多有關菁英人才管理的實用資訊。;"In modern organizations, talent management measures are increasingly crucial for fostering organizational development and innovation. Drawing from social exchange and job embeddedness theories, these measures are implemented to attract, retain, and motivate exceptional employees, thereby driving organizational growth and innovation. This investment in employee development enhances job responsibility, achievement, and motivation while fostering collaboration among elite talents, ultimately enhancing organizational effectiveness and competitiveness. This study examines the impact of talent management measures on relationships among elite talents. Through a questionnaire survey of elite talents from 31 companies, hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) was employed to investigate the effects of organizational talent management measures on career self-efficacy and job dedication, with perceived career support mediating these relationships. Findings reveal a positive correlation between talent management measures and career self-efficacy, job dedication, and perceived career support. Moreover, perceived career support partially mediates the link between talent management measures and career self-efficacy as well as job dedication. Finally, this study offers practical insights into talent management for academia and industry.