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    Items for Author "Ip,WH" 

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    Showing 48 items.

    Collection Date Title Authors Bitstream
    [天文研究所] 期刊論文 2011 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko activity evolution during its last perihelion before the Rosetta encounter Lara,LM; Lin,ZY; Rodrigo,R; Ip,WH
    [天文研究所] 期刊論文 2011 A 3D hybrid simulation study of the electromagnetic field distributions in the lunar wake Wang,YC; Muller,J; Ip,WH; Motschmann,U
    [天文研究所] 期刊論文 2011 An assessment and test of Enceladus as an important source of Saturn's ring atmosphere and ionosphere Tseng,WL; Ip,WH
    [天文研究所] 期刊論文 2011 Discovery of Variable Stars in the Field of the Galactic Open Cluster NGC 7039 Hu,JH; Chen,HC; Chen,YT; Chang,DC; Lin,HW; Ngeow,CC; Chen,WP; Ip,WH
    [天文研究所] 期刊論文 2011 Interactions between two magnetohydrodynamic Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities Lai,SH; Ip,WH
    [天文研究所] 期刊論文 2011 Observing planets and small bodies in sputtered high-energy atom fluxes Milillo,A; Orsini,S; Hsieh,KC; Baragiola,R; Fama,M; Johnson,R; Mura,A; Plainaki,C; Sarantos,M; Cassidy,TA; De Angelis,E; Desai,M; Goldstein,R; Ip,WH; Killen,R; Livi,S
    [天文研究所] 期刊論文 2011 ORIGIN OF THE FERMI BUBBLE Cheng,KS; Chernyshov,DO; Dogiel,VA; Ko,CM; Ip,WH
    [天文研究所] 期刊論文 2011 Source dependency of exospheric sodium on Mercury Wang,YC; Ip,WH
    [天文研究所] 期刊論文 2011 The Surface Composition and Temperature of Asteroid 21 Lutetia As Observed by Rosetta/VIRTIS Coradini,A; Capaccioni,F; Erard,S; Arnold,G; De Sanctis,MC; Filacchione,G; Tosi,F; Barucci,MA; Capria,MT; Ammannito,E; Grassi,D; Piccioni,G; Giuppi,S; Bellucci,G; Benkhoff,J; Bibring,JP; Blanco,A; Blecka,M; Bockelee-Morvan,D; Carraro,F; Carlson,R; Carsenty,U; Cerroni,P; Colangeli,L; Combes,M; Combi,M; Crovisier,J; Drossart,P; Encrenaz,ET; Federico,C; Fink,U; Fonti,S; Giacomini,L; Ip,WH; Jaumann,R; Kuehrt,E; Langevin,Y; Magni,G; McCord,T; Mennella,V; Mottola,S; Neukum,G; Orofino,V; Palumbo,P; Schade,U; Schmitt,B; Taylor,F; Tiphene,D; Tozzi,G
    [天文研究所] 期刊論文 2010 A hybrid simulation of Mercury's magnetosphere for the MESSENGER encounters in year 2008 Wang,YC; Mueller,J; Motschmann,U; Ip,WH
    [天文研究所] 期刊論文 2010 E-Type Asteroid (2867) Steins as Imaged by OSIRIS on Board Rosetta Keller,HU; Barbieri,C; Koschny,D; Lamy,P; Rickman,H; Rodrigo,R; Sierks,H; Hearn,MF; Angrilli,F; Barucci,MA; Bertaux,JL; Cremonese,G; Da Deppo,V; Davidsson,B; De Cecco,M; Debei,S; Fornasier,S; Fulle,M; Groussin,O; Gutierrez,PJ; Hviid,SF; Ip,WH; Jorda,L; Knollenberg,J; Kramm,JR; Kuhrt,E; Kuppers,M; Lara,LM; Lazzarin,M; Moreno,JL; Marzari,F; Michalik,H; Naletto,G; Sabau,L; Thomas,N; Wenzel,KP; Bertini,I; Besse,S; Ferri,F; Kaasalainen,M; Lowry,S; Marchi,S; Mottola,S; Sabolo,W; Schroder,SE; Spjuth,S; Vernazza,P
    [天文研究所] 期刊論文 2010 Martian atmosphere as observed by VIRTIS-M on Rosetta spacecraft Coradini,A; Grassi,D; Capaccioni,F; Filacchione,G; Tosi,F; Ammannito,E; De Sanctis,MC; Formisano,V; Wolkenberg,P; Rinaldi,G; Arnold,G; Barucci,MA; Bellucci,G; Benkhoff,J; Bibring,JP; Blanco,A; Bockelee-Morvan,D; Capria,MT; Carlson,R; Carsenty,U; Cerroni,P; Colangeli,L; Combes,M; Combi,M; Crovisier,J; Drossart,P; Encrenaz,T; Erard,S; Federico,C; Fink,U; Fonti,S; Ip,WH; Irwin,PGJ; Jaumann,R; Kuehrt,E; Langevin,Y; Magni,G; McCord,T; Mennella,V; Mottola,S; Neukum,G; Orofino,V; Palumbo,P; Piccioni,G; Rauer,H; Schmitt,B; Tiphene,D; Taylor,FW; Tozzi,GP
    [天文研究所] 期刊論文 2010 On the Detection of Two New Trans-Neptunian Binaries from the CFEPS Kuiper Belt Survey Lin,HW; Kavelaars,JJ; Ip,WH; Gladman,BJ; Petit,JM; Jones,RL; Parker,JW
    [天文研究所] 期刊論文 2010 Restrictions on the injection energy of positrons annihilating near the Galactic Centre Chernyshov,DO; Cheng,KS; Dogiel,VA; Ko,CM; Ip,WH
    [天文研究所] 期刊論文 2010 The structure and time variability of the ring atmosphere and ionosphere Tseng,WL; Ip,WH; Johnson,RE; Cassidy,TA; Elrod,MK
    [天文研究所] 期刊論文 2010 William Ian Axford obituary Mendis,A; Ip,WH
    [天文研究所] 期刊論文 2009 Liquid water on Enceladus from observations of ammonia and Ar-40 in the plume Waite,JH; Lewis,WS; Magee,BA; Lunine,JI; McKinnon,WB; Glein,CR; Mousis,O; Young,DT; Brockwell,T; Westlake,J; Nguyen,MJ; Teolis,BD; Niemann,B; McNutt,RL; Perry,M; Ip,WH
    [天文研究所] 期刊論文 2009 Nuclear interaction gamma-ray lines from the Galactic center region Dogiel,VA; Tatischeff,V; Cheng,KS; Chernyshov,DO; Ko,CM; Ip,WH
    [天文研究所] 期刊論文 2009 Plume ionosphere of Enceladus as seen by the Cassini ion and neutral mass spectrometer Cravens,TE; McNutt,RL; Waite,JH; Robertson,IP; Luhmann,JG; Kasprzak,W; Ip,WH
    [天文研究所] 期刊論文 2009 Seasonal patterns of condensation and sublimation cycles in the cryptic and non-cryptic regions of the South Pole Jian,JJ; Ip,WH
    [天文研究所] 期刊論文 2009 Spatial distributions and seasonal variations of features related to a venting process at high southern latitudes observed by the MOC camera Jian,JJ; Ip,WH; Sheu,SR
    [天文研究所] 期刊論文 2009 THE OUTBURST OF COMET 17P/HOLMES Lin,ZY; Lin,CS; Ip,WH; Lara,LM
    [天文研究所] 期刊論文 2005 A redshift determination of the host galaxy Urata,Y; Yoshida,A; Yamada,T; Kosugi,G; Totani,T; Komiyama,Y; Kobayashi,N; Tamagawa,T; Kawai,N; Takata,T; Mizumoto,Y; Huang,KY; Ip,WH; Makishima,K
    [天文研究所] 期刊論文 2005 Discovery of 13 new variable stars in the field of the open cluster NGC 2168 (M35) Hu,JH; Ip,WH; Zhang,XB; Jiang,ZJ; Ma,J; Zhou,X
    [天文研究所] 期刊論文 2005 GRB follow-up observations in the East-Asian region Urata,Y; Huang,KY; Ip,WH; Qiu,Y; Hu,JY; Zhou,X; Tamagawa,T; Onda,K; Makishima,K
    [天文研究所] 期刊論文 2005 GRBs optical follow-up observation at lulin observatory, Taiwan Huang,KY; Urata,Y; Ip,WH; Tamagawa,T; Onda,K; Makishima,K
    [天文研究所] 期刊論文 2005 Ion Neutral Mass Spectrometer results from the first flyby of Titan Waite,JH; Niemann,H; Yelle,RV; Kasprzak,WT; Cravens,TE; Luhmann,JG; McNutt,RL; Ip,WH; Gell,D; De La Haye,V; Muller-Wordag,I; Magee,B; Borggren,N; Ledvina,S; Fletcher,G; Walter,E; Miller,R; Scherer,S; Thorpe,R; Xu,J; Block,B; Arnett,K
    [天文研究所] 期刊論文 2005 Low energy electron microsignatures at the orbit of Tethys: Cassini MIMI/LEMMS observations Roussos,E; Krupp,N; Woch,J; Lagg,A; Jones,GH; Paranicas,C; Mitchell,DG; Livi,S; Krimigis,SM; Dougherty,MK; Armstrong,T; Ip,WH; Motschmann,U
    [天文研究所] 期刊論文 2005 Optical afterglow observations of the unusual short-duration gamma-ray burst GRB 040924 Huang,KY; Urata,Y; Filippenko,AV; Hu,JH; Ip,WH; Kuo,PH; Li,W; Lin,HC; Lin,ZY; Makishima,K; Onda,K; Qiu,Y; Tamagawa,T
    [天文研究所] 期刊論文 2005 Oxygen ions observed near Saturn's A ring Waite,JH; Cravens,TE; Ip,WH; Kasprzak,WT; Luhmann,JG; McNutt,RL; Niemann,HB; Yelle,RV; Mueller-Wodarg,I; Ledvina,SA; Scherer,S
    [天文研究所] 期刊論文 2005 Subaru telescope observations of Deep Impact Sugita,S; Ootsubo,T; Kadono,T; Honda,M; Sako,S; Miyata,T; Sakon,I; Yamashita,T; Kawakita,H; Fujiwara,H; Fujiyoshi,T; Takato,N; Fuse,T; Watanabe,J; Furusho,R; Hasegawa,S; Kasuga,T; Sekiguchi,T; Kinoshita,D; Meech,KJ; Wooden,DH; Ip,WH
    [天文研究所] 期刊論文 2005 The measurement of sputtering yields and spectrum of mass and optical emission of sputtered particles induced by ion bombardment of H2O ice Lee,CS; Chueh,MC; Liu,YC; Hsu,CY; Liu,SH; Ip,WH; Lee,S
    [天文研究所] 期刊論文 2005 Titan's ionosphere: Model comparisons with Cassini Ta Data Cravens,TE; Robertson,IP; Clark,J; Wahlund,JE; Waite,JH; Ledvina,SA; Niemann,HB; Yelle,RV; Kasprzak,WT; Luhmann,JG; McNutt,RL; Ip,WH; De La Haye,V; Muller-Wodarg,I; Young,DT; Coates,AJ
    [天文研究所] 期刊論文 2004 MEMORIS: a wide angle camera for the BepiColombo mission Cremonese,G; Capria,MT; Achilli,V; Angrilli,F; Baggio,P; Barbieri,C; Baumgardner,J; Bistacchi,N; Capaccioni,F; Caporali,A; Casanova,I; De Bei,S; Forlani,G; Fornasier,S; Hunten,D; Ip,WH; Lazzarin,M; Longhi,I; Marinangeli,L; Marzari,F; M
    [天文研究所] 期刊論文 2004 Non-isothermality on the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect Kuo,PH; Hwang,CY; Ip,WH
    [天文研究所] 期刊論文 2004 Taiwan's cooperative space activities at present and in future Ip,WH
    [天文研究所] 期刊論文 2004 The evolution of diffuse radio sources in galaxy clusters Kuo,PH; Hwang,CY; Ip,WH
    [天文研究所] 期刊論文 2003 Diagnostic signatures of radio and hard X-ray emission on particle acceleration processes in the coma cluster Kuo,PH; Hwang,CY; Ip,WH
    [天文研究所] 期刊論文 2003 On the fate of close-in extrasolar planets Jiang,IG; Ip,WH; Yeh,LC
    [天文研究所] 期刊論文 2002 Strong emission-line stars identified toward the Rosette Nebula Li,JZ; Wu,CH; Chen,WP; Rector,T; Chu,YH; Ip,WH
    [天文研究所] 期刊論文 2002 The velocity distribution of periodic comets and the meteor shower on Mars Ma,YH; Williams,IP; Ip,WH; Chen,WP
    [天文研究所] 期刊論文 2001 A dust halo of Enceladus Ip,WH
    [天文研究所] 期刊論文 2001 An extraordinary accretion event detected on DF Tauri Li,JZ; Ip,WH; Chen,WP; Hu,JY; Wei,JY
    [天文研究所] 期刊論文 2001 Asymmetric mass loading effect at Titan's ionosphere Kopp,A; Ip,WH
    [天文研究所] 期刊論文 2001 On ion outflows from Titan's exosphere Chiu,WT; Hsu,HC; Kopp,A; Ip,WH
    [天文研究所] 期刊論文 2000 Magnetospheric ion sputtering: The case of Europa and its surface age Ip,WH; Kopp,A; Williams,DJ; McEntire,RW; Mauk,BH
    [天文研究所] 期刊論文 2000 Thermal plasma composition in Saturn's magnetosphere Ip,WH

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