博碩士論文 972211004 詳細資訊

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姓名 賴俊傑(Chun-chieh Lai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 系統生物與生物資訊研究所
論文名稱 藉由比較基因表現資料研究次世代定序與晶片技術分析差異
(The gene expression characteristic differences between next-generation sequencing and microarray)
★ 細菌物種基因體中非編碼小片段核糖核酸之預測★ 從年齡動態網路探討疾病盛行率
★ 啟動子甲基化與對應之基因表現微陣列資訊整合分析★ 乾燥綜合症與非病毒型肝炎之相關因子分析
★ 氣候變遷對人類疾病網路造成衝擊★ 台北和中壢地區不孕症分佈與共病探討
★ 探討台灣的門診疾病與環境空氣品質的濃度變化之相關性★ 以地區醫院病例探討桃園之地域族群與疾病之差別
★ 桃園地區之區域與疾病盛行率之關聯★ CyTOF之生物標記篩選與分析
★ 透明細胞腎細胞癌質譜流式細胞儀資料分析與視覺化★ 使用支持向量機預測蛋白質醣基化位置
★ 使用基因表現資料預測基因轉錄調控網路★ RNA Riboswitch搜尋系統之設計與實作
★ 人類疾病差異表現基因與調控網路之整合系統★ 利用赫伯特-黃轉換法辨識酵母菌在呼吸/還原週期中的震盪基因群
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摘要(中) 人類基因體計畫完成之後,DNA序列的分析的規模出現了重大的變化。高通量技術以具有成本效益的方式提供了非常詳細和大規模的數據。其中,尤其次世代定序技術與微陣列晶片兩大平台被廣泛的使用在分析基因表現上。所以我們發展了一個工作流程來結合次世代定序技術與微陣列晶片的資料在基因表現的層級上來研究轉錄體的複雜性。相對使用單一平台的資料,這個工作流程產生更可靠的資料並提供更多方面的資訊來描述全基因體基因表現的特性。最後,我們初步討論了在這兩平台產生分析差異的原因。
摘要(英) There has been a dramatic changed in the scale of sequence analyses, especially the time after human genome project. High-throughput technologies provide highly detailed and large scale data that can be generated by cost-effective manner. In particular, next-generation sequencing and microarray technologies are two major platforms that immensely used for study gene expression. We developed a workflow to integrate next-generation sequencing and microarray data, to survey the complexity of transcriptomes in gene expression level. This workflow generates more reliable information than using single platform data, and provides more aspects of information to characterize gene expression of whole genome. Finally, we had a preliminary discussion on the cause of the characteristic differences between next-generation sequencing and microarray.
關鍵字(中) ★ 次世代定序
★ 微陣列晶片
★ 基因表現
關鍵字(英) ★ microarray
★ next-generation sequencing
★ gene expression
論文目次 Chinese abstract ...................................................................................................................... i
English abstract ..................................................................................................................... ii
Figure content ....................................................................................................................... v
Table content ...................................................................................................................... vi
Chapter 1 Introduction ................................................................................................. 1
1-1 Next-Generation Sequencing ........................................................................... 1
1-1-1 SOLiD System ..................................................................................... 2
1-1-2 Solexa System ..................................................................................... 4
1-2 Microarray ....................................................................................................... 5
1-3 Motivation ....................................................................................................... 7
Chapter 2 Material and Methods .................................................................................. 8
2-1 Data Source...................................................................................................... 8
2-2 Workflow ......................................................................................................... 9
2-3 Methods ......................................................................................................... 10
2-3-1 CLC Genomic Workbench ................................................................ 10
2-3-2 Affymetrix Expression Console ........................................................ 13
2-3-3 Principle Component Analysis (PCA) ............................................... 16
2-4 Gene Ontology (GO) Enrichment.................................................................. 17
Chapter 3 Results ....................................................................................................... 18
3-1 Microarray data analyses ............................................................................... 18
3-1-1 Principle Component Analysis .......................................................... 18
3-1-2 Affymetrix Expression Console analysis .......................................... 20
3-2 Sequencing data analyses .............................................................................. 22
3-2-1 CLC Genomic Workbench analysis ................................................... 22
3-3 Integration of Sequencing and Microarray .................................................... 24
3-3-1 Comparison of gene expression between two platforms ................... 25
3-4 Genes in microarray sensitive region ............................................................ 30
3-5 Genes in sequencing sensitive region ............................................................ 33
Chapter 4 Discussion .................................................................................................. 34
References ..................................................................................................................... 36
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指導教授 吳立青(Li-ching Wu) 審核日期 2010-7-19
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