博碩士論文 972212001 詳細資訊

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姓名 楊双豪(Shuang-hao Yang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 高指向性LED外腔式光源機構之研究
(Study of High-Directional LED with External Cavity)
★ 奈米電漿子感測技術於生物分子之功能分析★ 表面結構擴散片之設計、製作與應用
★ 結合柱狀透鏡陣列之非成像車頭燈光型設計★ CCD 量測儀器之研究與探討
★ 鈦酸鋇晶體非均向性自繞射之研究及其在光資訊處理之應用★ 多光束繞射光學元件應用在DVD光學讀取頭之設計
★ 高位移敏感度之全像多工光學儲存之研究★ 利用亂相編碼與體積全像之全光學式光纖感測系統
★ 體積光柵應用於微物3D掃描之研究★ 具有偏極及光強分佈之孔徑的繞射極限的研究
★ 三維亂相編碼之體積全像及其應用★ 透鏡像差的量測與MTF的驗證
★ 二位元隨機編碼之全像光學鎖之研究★ 亂相編碼於體積全像之全光學分佈式光纖感測系統之研究
★ 自發式相位共軛鏡之相位穩定與應用於自由空間光通訊之研究★ 體積全像空間濾波器應用於物體 三度空間微米級位移之量測
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摘要(中) 本研究中,我們利用具有表面微結構之薄膜型氮化鎵LED搭配外腔式光源機構,設計出高指向性之光源機構模型。首先,針對氮化鎵LED的幾何結構以及光學特性進行量測,並經由此實驗數據建立出相似度高達99.8%的LED光學模型。接著利用此模型設計一外腔式光源機構,使LED的光線發散角得以從±90°縮小至±30°以內,並計算出光耦合效率、能量提升比例以及散角分佈。最後,我們將此光源機構的實驗數據與模擬結果一一進行比較與探討,進而得到一高精準度之外腔式光源機構模型,而此模型也有利於之後進一步優化的設計。
摘要(英) In this thesis, we incorporate an external cavity with the surface texture for ThinGaN LEDs to obtain a high-directional light source. First of all, we measure the geometric structure on the top surface of ThinGaN LEDs and the characteristic of optical parameters. According to the information, we build up a precise optical model of ThinGaN LED to design an external cavity with special light cone of 30°, which is different from 90° of general LEDs. The output coupling efficiency, enhancement ratio, and spatial distribution are analyzed. Finally, we compare the experiment results with the simulation, and the characteristic of the new light source is discussed.
關鍵字(中) ★ 光展量
★ 耦合效率
★ 光子回收
★ 薄膜型氮化鎵LED
★ 表面結構
關鍵字(英) ★ Étendue
★ Coupling Efficiency
★ Photon Recycle
★ ThinGaN LED
★ Surface Texture
論文目次 摘要 ........................................................................................................................ I
目錄 ..................................................................................................................... IV
圖索引 ................................................................................................................ VII
表索引 ................................................................................................................ XII
第一章 緒論 ...................................................................................................... 1
1-1 前言 ...................................................................................................... 1
1-2 LED 的發展概況 ................................................................................. 2
1-3 LED 於高指向性光源之應用 ............................................................. 5
1-4 論文大綱 .............................................................................................. 7
第二章 基本原理介紹 ......................................................................................... 8
2-1 LED 發光原理 ..................................................................................... 8
2-2 LED 發光效率 ................................................................................... 11
2-2-1 LED 內部量子效率................................................................. 13
2-2-2 LED 光萃取效率 ..................................................................... 15
2-3 薄膜型LED 發光效率之提升 .......................................................... 19
2-4 LED 之指向性 ................................................................................... 23
第三章 高指向性LED 光源模型的建立 ......................................................... 28
3-1 光子回收機制之先前技術 ................................................................ 28
3-2 高指向性光源機構之設計概念 ........................................................ 29
3-3 ThinGaN LED 光學模型之建立與驗證 ........................................... 32
3-3-1 蒙地卡羅光線追跡法 ............................................................. 32
3-3-2 ThinGaN LED 光學模型與模擬參數 ................................... 34
3-3-3 ThinGaN LED 表面微結構之建立 ....................................... 36
3-3-4 光學模型驗證 ......................................................................... 40
第四章 高指向性光源機構之設計 ................................................................... 44
4-1 初階設計與模擬參數 ......................................................................... 44
4-2 初階設計之分析與實作 .................................................................... 47
4-2-1 肉厚對反射杯之影響 ............................................................. 47
4-2-2 反射杯之模型設計 ................................................................. 53
4-2-3 出光耦合效率、能量提昇率和散角分佈圖 ......................... 56
4-3 反射杯之反射率量測 ........................................................................ 70
4-4 反射杯之散射效應 ............................................................................ 75
第五章 結論 ....................................................................................................... 82
參考文獻 ............................................................................................................. 84
中英文名詞對照表 ....................................................................................... 87
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指導教授 孫慶成(Ching-Cherng Sun) 審核日期 2010-7-29
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