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姓名 李彥璁(Yen-tsung Lee)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 工業管理研究所
論文名稱 當供應商面臨一個風險趨避的零售商在營收分享合約下所達成的通路協調
(Channel coordination under the revenue sharing contract when a supplier faces a risk-averse retailer)
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摘要(中) 通路協調已經在很多的論文中被探討,其目標是極大化整體供應鏈的利潤進而提升供應商及零售商的利潤。有很多誘因機制被提出來以達成通路協調。舉例來說,在營收分享合約裡,供應商提供一個較低的批發價給零售商,但必須享有零售商一部分比例的收益以達成通路協調。過去的研究都是立基於假設供應商和零售商為風險中立者。然而,決策制定者對風險可能有不同的感受,這些感受會影響其所作的決定。因此,我們在營收分享合約裡考量了決策者的風險感受。
摘要(英) Channel coordination has been discussed in many studies, whose objective is to maximize the supply chain’’s profit that elevates both the supplier’’s and the retailer’’s profits. Many coordination mechanisms were proposed to achieve channel coordination. For example, in a revenue sharing contract, the supplier provides a lower wholesale price with sharing a certain fraction of revenue to achieve channel coordination. Most of coordination mechanisms are discussed based on considering risk-neutral decision makers. In other words, the supplier’’s and the retailer’’s attitudes toward risks are assumed risk-neural when making decisions. However, the decision makers may have different preferences toward risks. Therefore, we consider their risk preferences into the design of revenue sharing contract in this study.
In a push contract, the retailer bears all of the inventory risk, and the retailer’’s attitude toward risk affects her decision. As a result, it is important for the supplier to consider the opponent’’s risk preference. In this study, the supplier provides a revenue sharing contract to the risk-averse retailer in order to increase both profits. We analyze two cases. In case 1, the supplier does not know the retailer is risk-averse, and in case 2, the supplier knows the retailer is risk-averse. We discuss these two cases in the revenue sharing contract and we find that channel coordination cannot be achieved in case 1, but it can be achieved in case 2.
關鍵字(中) ★ 通路協調
★ 營收分享合約
★ 風險趨避
關鍵字(英) ★ channel coordination
★ revenue sharing contract
★ risk aversion
論文目次 Contents
The contents of figures...................................v
The contents of tables...................................vi
1. Introduction...........................................1
1.1 Background/Motivation..............................1
1.2 Research objectives................................2
2. Literature review......................................4
2.1 Newsvendor problem.................................4
2.2 Risk aversion......................................5
2.3 Coordination mechanism.............................6
3. Model and analysis.....................................8
3.1 A risk-neutral retailer...........................11
3.2 A risk-averse retailer............................14
4. Numerical example.....................................24
4.1 A risk-neutral retailer...........................24
4.2 A risk-averse retailer............................26
4.3 More examples.....................................29
5. Sensitivity analysis..................................35
6. Conclusion and future research........................41
6.1 Conclusion........................................41
6.2 Future research...................................42
A1. Proof of Proposition 4...............................45
A2. Proof of Proposition 5...............................46
The contents of figures
Figure 3-1 The certainty equivalent of risk aversion.....15
Figure 4-1 The profit of the supply chain in case 1 while facing different risk-averse retailers...................31
Figure 5-1 The effects of the selling price..............37
Figure 5-2 The effects of the production cost............38
Figure 5-3 The effects of the parameter in the demand distribution.............................................39
Figure 5-4 The effects of the parameter in the demand distribution.............................................40
The contents of tables
Table 3-1 Definition of notations.........................9
Table 3-2 The profits in risk-neutral case under different contracts................................................13
Table 3-3 The profits in risk-averse case under different contracts................................................22
Table 4-1 The profits in risk-neutral case under different contracts................................................24
Table 4-2 The profits in risk-neutral case under different contracts................................................25
Table 4-3 The profits of facing a risk-neutral retailer and a risk-averse retailer (case 1) under the revenue sharing contract.................................................26
Table 4-4 The profits in case 2 under different contracts27
Table 4-5 The profits in case 2 under different contracts28
Table 4-6 Order quantity of the risk-neutral retailer and the profit of the supply chain in different w............29
Table 4-7 The profits in case 2 under the revenue sharing contract.................................................30
Table 4-8 Order quantity of different risk-averse retailers in case 1................................................30
Table 4-9 The result of Proposition 6....................31
Table 4-10 The solutions of the case 2 model.............32
Table 4-11 The wholesale price given the same fraction in case 2 under the revenue sharing contract................33
Table 4-12 The feasible set of the fraction in case 2 under the revenue sharing contract.............................34
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指導教授 曾富祥(Fu-shiang Tseng) 審核日期 2010-6-22
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