摘要(英) |
Because of changes in customer preferences and of lowering profits, manufacturing firms have been shifting their strategic focus from OEM and ODM to creating their own brand name, and completely changing their business models. HTC Corporation determined to launch her brand creating strategy four years ago. The brand value has become an important part of HTC’’s intangible assets. It seems that there exists a relation between the change of business model and the brand value creation. By way of analyzing HTC’’s changing business models from an OEM enterprise to an own brand name enterprise, this study attempts to explore three questions: (i) How did HTC’’s value network evolve? (ii) What was the strategic focus under the two different business models? And (iii) What was the effect of changing business model on the brand value creation.
The study analyzes the changes in business models of HTC by using the four key elements of business models proposed by Shafer et al.(2005), and the technique of value network analysis proposed by Hann-Tarn Jeng (2009). Besides, it uses the HIROSE Brand Valuation model to calculate and compare the brand values of HTC before and after her change of business models.
The conclusions of study are as follows: (i) The role of Telecommunication Operators changed from customers to supplies, the role of phone firms changed from customers to competitors, corporate governance and Information disclosure in HTC are better. (ii) HTC is more focus on marketing, the positioning strategy is also from business people to common consumers gradually. (iii) HTC’’s brand value was about NT $17.5 billion as of January 2010 and was about 290 times of her brand value as January 2006 not only because of her strategies about customers and suppliers but also because of the improvement of corporate governance and investors’’ rights.
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