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論文名稱 探討人格特質、動機與社會資本之三大因素對於虛擬社群成員知識分享意圖的影響
(Understanding the Influences of Personality Traits, Motivation, and Social Capital on Knowledge Sharing Intention in Virtual Communities)
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摘要(中) 本研究探討人格特質、個人動機與社會資本對虛擬社群成員知識分享意圖的影響。在人格特質方面,本研究採用五大人格特質:外向性、親和性、勤勉正直性、神經質與開放性;在個人動機方面,本研究採用個人名聲與利他主義;在社會資本方面,本研究採用社會資本理論的三個因素,包含社會互動連結、認同歸屬感與互惠規範等。本研究採用問卷方法,從「思摩特」專業教師虛擬社群收集123份有效問卷並以PLS結構方程模型工具分析資料。研究結果指出當虛擬社群成員具有勤勉正直性的人格特質與利他主義的內在動機,以及對虛擬社群擁有較強的認同歸屬感與感知較高的互惠規範,將提昇該虛擬社群成員在其所屬的虛擬社群知識分享的意願。
摘要(英) This study incorporates personality traits, personal motivation, and social capital into a theoretical model that helps better understand the intention to share knowledge in virtual communities. Personality traits contain five dimensions: extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to experience. Personal motivation comprises two factors: reputation and altruism. Three facets of social capital are utilized in this study: social interaction ties, identification, and norm of reciprocity. Data collected from 123 community members of professional teachers’ virtual community, SCTNet. Data analysis was conducted utilizing PLS structural equation modeling. Overall, results of this study corroborated that when individuals who are more conscientious, score higher in altruism, and perceive stronger identification and norm of reciprocity toward virtual communities would have stronger intention to share knowledge in virtual communities.
關鍵字(中) ★ 人格特質
★ 動機
★ 社會資本
★ 知識分享
★ 虛擬社群
關鍵字(英) ★ personality traits
★ knowledge sharing
★ virtual communities
★ social capital
★ motivation
論文目次 Table of Contents i
Figures ii
Tables iii
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Research Motivation 2
1.3 Research Purpose 4
2.1 Knowledge sharing in virtual communities 6
2.2 Personality Traits and Knowledge Sharing 8
2.3 Personal Motive and Knowledge Sharing 16
2.4 Social Capital and Knowledge Sharing 19
3.1 Research Model 25
3.2 Sample 26
3.3 Measurement 27
3.4 Data Analysis Methods 31
4.1 Description of sample 32
4.2 Measurement Model 33
4.3 Structural Model 36
4.4 Discussion 37
5.1 Implications for research 42
5.2 Implications for practice 42
5.3 Research limitations 43
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指導教授 周惠文(Huey-Wen Chou) 審核日期 2010-7-21
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