博碩士論文 974203034 詳細資訊

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姓名 陳玉佩(Yu-Pei Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 可調適符合資安隱私政策之大範圍網路警訊分享機制
(Adjust Able for Privacy of Information Security Policies Consistent with a Wide Range of Network Alert Sharing Mechanism)
★ 應用數位版權管理機制於數位影音光碟內容保護之研究★ 以應用程式虛擬化技術達成企業軟體版權管理之研究
★ 以IAX2為基礎之網頁電話架構設計★ 應用機器學習技術協助警察偵辦詐騙案件之研究
★ 擴充防止詐欺及保護隱私功能之帳戶式票務系統研究-以大眾運輸為例★ 網際網路半結構化資料之蒐集與整合研究
★ 電子商務環境下網路購物幫手之研究★ 網路安全縱深防護機制之研究
★ 國家寬頻實驗網路上資源預先保留與資源衝突之研究★ 以樹狀關聯式架構偵測電子郵件病毒之研究
★ 考量地區差異性之隨選視訊系統影片配置研究★ 不信任區域網路中數位證據保留之研究
★ 入侵偵測系統事件說明暨自動增加偵測規則之整合性輔助系統研發★ 利用程序追蹤方法關聯分散式入侵偵測系統之入侵警示研究
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摘要(中) 企業組織以異質資安設備架構出大範圍網路聯合防禦網,藉由區域聯合防禦方式,能提供聯合防禦網中的成員獲取充足威脅預警資訊。將公司內部產生的資安警訊送給資訊安全營運管理中心(Security Operation Center,以下簡稱SOC)處理,但警訊難免會暗藏一些公司內部網路資訊及敏感隱私內容,使得企業組織不願意和外界分享內部資安設備所偵測的警訊,為了避免被惡意者取得企業組織機密資訊,造成商譽或資產損害。然而每家企業的資安政策不同,所要求的隱私保護程度也不同,依據分享者不同的隱私保護需求前提下,如何提供一個可隨企業資訊安全政策不同而具彈性調整的警訊分享機制,更能兼顧警訊隱私保護與警訊關聯分析之間取得平衡,成為一個很重要的安全議題。
摘要(英) Companies and Organizations usually structure the large-scale joint defense network by information security devices. Through joint regional defense, the network can provide members sufficient threat warning information. In companies, the information security alerts are sent to Security Operation Center (SOC), but there are some internal network information and sensitive privacy content in the alerts. Taking the alerts into consideration, companies and Organizations would not prefer to share the warning of internal information security. Therefore, they can avoid malicious person to obtain confidential information of organization or result in damage to goodwill or assets.
However, not only information security policy but also requested level of privacy protection is different from each company. In addition to protect the information privacy, we also want to provide companies a sharing mechanism which is changeable to information security policy. A balance in the trade between privacy protection and warning association analysis becomes a significant issue people concern.
For this issue, this thesis discusses processing of fuzzy information privacy protection on the packet header and the factors of assessing the alert packets. The factors include the fuzzy conversion region of IP address, warning Relevance, information content changes between privacy protection of warning packet and original warning packet information (entropy), and the capability of warning packet after fuzzy.
In this thesis, there are two steps in the purposed method. First, calculate the information of warning packet. Use IP address of the original warning packet and get the information after fuzzy to calculate. Second, analyze correlation of SOC. Also, we provide the quantitative standard for companies to change the level of privacy protection. Finally, it will achieve optimal condition between privacy protection and accuracy of warning relevance.
關鍵字(中) ★ 資訊安全政策
★ 資訊含量
★ 資訊安全營運管理中心
★ 隱私保護
★ 警訊關聯
關鍵字(英) ★ alert correlation
★ entropy
★ privacy preserving
★ security policy
★ security operations center
論文目次 中文摘要---------------------------------------------I
第一章 緒論-----------------------------------------1
1.1 研究背景--------------------------------------2
1.2 研究動機與目的--------------------------------5
1.3 研究貢獻--------------------------------------8
1.4 章節架構--------------------------------------9
第二章 相關研究-------------------------------------10
2.1 資訊安全隱私政策------------------------------10
2.2 大範圍網路聯合防禦----------------------------13
2.3 警訊隱私保護方法------------------------------14
2.4 警訊關聯--------------------------------------17
2.5 小結------------------------------------------18
第三章 可調適符合資訊安全隱私政策之警訊分享機制-----20
3.1 研究限制與考量--------------------------------20
3.2 警訊封包隱私保護具關聯能力分享架構------------21
3.3 警訊封包IP位址模糊化轉換區間方法--------------23
3.4 評估警訊模糊化後之資訊含量 (Entropy)----------23
3.5 警訊經模糊化後之關聯--------------------------27
第四章 實驗結果分析---------------------------------30
4.1 實驗架構和流程--------------------------------30
4.2 模擬攻擊警訊----------------------------------32
4.3 實驗分析--------------------------------------34
第五章 結論與未來研究-------------------------------44
5-1 研究結論與貢獻--------------------------------44
5-2 未來研究--------------------------------------46
參考文獻 47
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指導教授 陳奕明(Yi-Ming Chen) 審核日期 2010-7-21
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