摘要(英) |
With internationalization of enterprises and highly inter-regional integration of economic activities, enterprises realize the importance of human resource management on the development of the enterprises. To possess a competitive advantage and achieve enterprise goals, a quality and efficient human resource management system is expect by the implementation of Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS). In this study, SAP HRIS was implemented by C Company to improve the defects of old Human Resource Management System, and furthermore to integrate data processing among headquarter and construction sites for development and globalization of company in the coming future.
By collecting data of C Company, the purpose of this study was to understand the situation of implementation of HRIS modules, explore the problems encountered, and analyze the benefits generated by HRIS module. In addition to the integration with Enterprise Resource Planning systems, analysis, planning, forecasting and decision-making proposals of human capital could be accomplished by this system.
After interviews, it was found that the accurate assessment of manpower required, well communication and coordination, and support from management were key factors for successful implementation of HRIS in this study. Under-estimate of the manpower needed could cause falling morale among staffs, delay of the project, or even a failure. Managerial implications were proposed at the end of this study.
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