摘要(英) |
Data mining integrate different fields of study, including data warehousing, machine learning, statistics and artificial intelligence. Using this technique, the hidden knowledge could be found from large amounts of data, and help companies to summarize and analyze data. The results of data analysis can be helpful when making decisions.
In this study, we build the predictive model of academic achievement for senior students in elementary schools by Microsoft SQL Server 2008. The algorithms for the predictive model contain decision trees, artificial neural networks and linear regression. In order to compare the forecasted results, this study adopts Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and SPSS Statistics 17.0 to find out input variables. According to the results, we find out no matter what algorithm is used, the forecasted results do not have significant difference. The key factors that influence the forecasted results are the method of finding out input variables.
The predictive model can predict the stream of academic achievement for senior students in elementary schools. The parents of the students or the teachers can do some promotion activities according to the forecasted results. The forecasted results also serve as references for school managers or administrators while making decisions in their favor.
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