摘要(英) |
After China announced its economic liberalization, all international sectors of industries begin pouring into this market and igniting more hyper-competition in this market, especially in year 2001 when China joined WTO. Due to a booming economy development in China, Chinese are becoming rich and are more willing to put emphasis on their children’s education. The potential in the education market is not only an opportunity, but also a risk and challenge. So how to survive and grow in this market in China, and with what marketing strategy to grab this market share or diverse this market to create better performance, which will be the main motivation of this study here.
This study firstly reviews the motivation and timeframe of A company entering China market, then giving a further digest on its site evaluation and selection. Being analyzed by applying a model built by Root and Kotler (1987), a marketing strategy and future deploy planning in China market of A company are discussed. This study is a pioneer study, and to analyze the case study with fundamental theories. Furthermore, all data in this study is gathered by the sub-level data and the personal interview with company founders.
Having a summary from references and research results, this study also offers some conclusions and the guideline of future marketing strategy for the company in the case study. First, increasing competitors and the diversification has worsened the whole market environment. Second, regard the price competition as the first policy instead of the self-advantage implementation. Third, the promotion relies too much on the traditional DM and posters. Fourth, the main reasons why parents would choose schools are neglected.
For future plans of the company in the case study, this study has proposed following recommendations. First, implement a more international education perspective with the consideration of localization to meet the demand from the society. Second, never easily do the price reduction to gain the market share. Third, work on long-term investment by adjusting policies to the market environment. Fourth, enhance the diversification to extend the service.
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