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蕭有志(Yu-chih Shiao)
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高階主管企管碩士班 |
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摘要(中) |
摘要(英) |
As computing technology develops, laptop computers take an increasingly important role and continue to have an ascending demand. The industry of sub-manufacturing in Taiwan has developed rapidly since 2000 and claims over 50% market share worldwide, which earned Taiwan an important position in the global laptop industry. However, with the expansion of the industry, a number of problems also appeared such as cut-throat competition, production capacity surplus, and the lack of independent brand. In 2008 originated in the U.S. sub-prime mortgage crisis in the financial sectors swept the world, so the global economy suffered a serious blow. Taiwan’’s notebook computer industry has also suffered seriously. Because the market demand for notebook computers remains high, the overall value of the industry still continues to grow and thus the firms in the industry were able to homeopathy. But due to the price cutting trend in notebook industry, competition in the industry remains to be very difficult for many notebook OEM manufacturers. This study gives a systematic but all-rounded description of the developing history and current situation of sub-manufacturing industry of notebook computers in Taiwan and raises the problems they faced. A clear exposition of the economies of scale and the cross-industry alliance concept are addressed for providing a way out of the vicious competition and the ever lowering prices of the notebook computer industry. Relying solely on size expansion is difficult to cope with fierce competition. While quality improvement is a key area of development, controlling the overall development of the industrial supply chain as well as the upstream and downstream industries will make the products more competitive, increasing the vitality of the Taiwan’’s notebook computer industry and thus making a greater contribution to the national economy. This study takes “Clevo Co.” as an example to provide suggestions to other companies to be more price and cost oriented and concentrated on profit rather than expanding the production scale. By developing products with different features, setting up computer superstores with enterprises from Mainland China, developing a small quantity of production with high diversity, and establishing cross-industry cooperation, the company finally has made its strategy a success. This may give the whole industry some inspiration about how to help itself out of current predicament and seek for a further success.
關鍵字(中) |
★ 異業結盟 ★ 規模經濟 ★ 代工產業 ★ 筆記型電腦 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ ODM/OEM industry ★ Economies of scale ★ Notebook ★ Horizontal alliances |
論文目次 |
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的與問題 3
1.3 論文框架與流程 3
1.4 名詞解釋 4
1.4.1 筆記型電腦 4
1.4.2 規模經濟 4
1.4.3 代工產業 5
第二章 文獻探討 6
2.1 筆記型電腦代工產業的研究綜述 6
2.2 異業結盟 17
2.3 筆記型電腦的通路與銷售概況 19
第三章 研究方法 22
3.1 研究架構 22
3.2 研究設計 23
3.3 研究對象 24
3.4 資料搜集方法 24
第四章 產業與個案分析 26
4.1 我國筆記型電腦代工產業發展現狀分析 26
4.1.1 臺灣筆記型電腦代工產業的發展歷史分析 26
4.1.2 競爭策略的分類 27
4.1.3 我國筆記型電腦代工產業發展概況分析 29
4.2 臺灣筆記型電腦代工產業面臨的困境與挑戰分析 37
4.2.1 臺灣筆記型電腦代工產業面臨的困境與挑戰 37
4.2.2 臺灣筆記型電腦代工產業面臨困境與挑戰的原因分析 48
4.3 以藍天電腦為例對臺灣筆記型電腦代工產業發展策略的探討 53
4.3.1 藍天電腦公司概況 53
4.3.2 藍天電腦公司整體目標市場概況 54
4.3.3 藍天電腦的產品開發策略 57
4.3.4 藍天電腦針對不同目標市場開發的主要產品系列 59
4.4 由藍天帶來的啟示 64
第五章 結論與建議 68
5.1 研究發現 68
5.2 研究貢獻與建議 69
5.2.1 研究貢獻 69
5.2.2 建議 69
5.3 研究限制 70
5.4 後續研究方向 70
參考文獻 71
參考文獻 |
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1. 藍天電腦公司網站:http://www.clevo.com.tw
2. IDC(國際數據資訊)網站:http://www.idc.com.tw
3. 公開資訊觀測站:http://www.newmops.tse.com.tw/
4. 資策會市場情報中心:http://www.mic.iii.org.tw/
5. 全國碩博士論文:http://etds.ncl.edu.tw/theabs/index.jsp/
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2010-6-23 |
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