摘要(英) |
It becomes more and more common for teenager to browse through the websites and search information on the internet. It’s an unavoidable tendency for teenager to meet the new reading style – “internet-reading”, however most of previous researches combine it with the course, compare it with the reading on the paper, or discuss it as a part of using behavior on the internet. It seems that just a little studies investigate teenagers’ reading on internet only, therefore in this research we want to investigate the motivation and behavior of reading on internet, the latter including the type of reading content, reading amount, and frequency of internet-reading of teenagers.
The subject of study is national junior high school students in Taoyuan County, and the schools and the number of classes are sampled randomly. After contacting with schools, we finally pick up 982 students from 33 classes in 21 schools.
The research methods are questionnaire survey and interview, and the research tool is the Motivation for Online Reading Questionnaire designed by this study. After exploratory factor analysis, there are 10 factors of motivation of internet-reading are extracted: deep exploration, performance, satisfying fancy, expansion of the interpersonal relationships, reading work avoidance, recommendation, sharing feed back, convenience, reading recognition, aesthetic enjoyment of reading, etc. It coincides with the multidimensional constructs and the reliability of each factors are on the above of .8 and the overall reliability is .938. This reflects the consistency and stability. It also passes the test of SEM , and the goodness-of-fit index RMSEA is .064, and NNFI is 0.958. The types of internet-reading are classified into 11 classes: social science, science, diary and feelings, creation of literature, admiration of art, language learning, creation of image, leisure in daily life, film and television entertainment, sport, computer and internet. After analyzing the data, the findings are as follows:
1. The reading motivation on the internet of teenagers
The highest score is instant convenience factor, and lowest score is performance and reading work avoidance. It reflects that the teenagers are deeply attracted to the instant convenience of the internet-reading. On the other hand, teenagers do not read on the internet for performing something for others or improving studies. It doesn’t resemble the reading in the classes where students have much higher scores in this factor owing to the effects of teacher or classmates. It shows that the internet-reading is different from the class-reading, and it is active, with spontaneity, and unaffectedness of other people. Reading work avoidance is belongs to the negative motivation, so in general, teenagers do not reject the internet-reading and oppositely they are willing to read on the internet.
2. The reading amount and types of teenagers
The most common types for internet-reading are film and television entertainment, diary and feelings, and creation of image in order, and the less common types are language learning, social science, and science in order. It reflects the internet-reading types of teenager are inclined to the multimedia content and the goal of reading is for entertainment. In reading amount, it shows that teenagers don’t read a few types.
3. The variation of different background variables on the motivation for internet-reading
The variation of motivation for internet-reading of teenagers on the sex is that girls are higher than boys; on the grade: seventh grade is higher than eighth and ninth grade; on the socioeconomic degree of family: low socioeconomic degree is lower than middle and high socioeconomic degree. It approximately coincides with the literature.
4. Internet-reading motivation is related to the internet-reading behavior, but lacks of predictive ability
The motivation for internet-reading is related to the reading amount, active reading frequency, and negative reading frequency. But in the predictive ability, no matter what reading amount, active reading frequency, and negative reading frequency are just explain little total variance.
5. Teenagers and Internet-Reading
For teenagers, the internet-reading becomes an active activity, and the environment of internet can help them to focus on reading. On the judgment of content, teenagers lack of judgment, and tend to believe the information on the internet. Amusement is still the main goal of internet-reading for teenagers, and it also shows on reading types of reading. The character of internet-reading for teenagers has spontaneity, following their inclinations, and do not make the reading plan or goal in advance.
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