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姓名 林再文(Zai-wun Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 太空科學研究所
論文名稱 太空離子探測系統
(The Space Ion Probe System)
★ 動態視星等之星象辨識演算法★ 太空電漿探針系統
★ 微衛星離子探測系統★ 電子溫度儀在太空電漿模擬艙之量測
★ 先進電離層探測儀之機構設計與分析★ 先進電離層探測儀離子流向推導與校正
★ 探空火箭姿態計★ 先進電離層探測儀地面電子測試設備
★ 熱真空測試系統★ 太空電漿模擬艙自動化監控系統
★ 數位式探空火箭姿態量測模組★ 先進電離層探測儀整合測試系統
★ 先進電離層探測儀數位控制單元之研製★ 探空十號火箭的姿態重建與分析
★ 先進電離層雙生儀地面電子測試設備★ 先進電離層探測儀
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摘要(中) 本論文的目的,是自行設計與製作一套可應用於電離層電漿量測的離子探測器,量測離子溫度、離子流速等資訊。透過國立中央大學太空科學研究所的太空電漿模擬艙,產生近似電離層的電漿環境,進行離子探測器的測試與分析。由實驗結果中,我們發現太空電漿模擬艙產生的電漿包含兩個帶著不同的流速的離子流,其中一個由於流速過大,在有限的掃描電位下,無法觀測到明顯的離子電流變化,以致於無法分析其特性;另外一個離子流,可在掃描電位的調變下獲得離子流量的變化。但由於電漿電位的不確定,難以清楚地分析其電漿特性。配合離子流量理論的計算與離子探測器幾何結構的資訊,藉由新設置的真空旋轉平台在不同角度下所量測到的離子電流變化,即可推算離子的溫度與流速。我們發現電漿源的離子溫度約為 1500 K,離子流速約為 370 m/s。本實驗亦驗證國人自製科學酬載並應用於太空電漿量測的可行性。未來可設置在探空火箭或衛星上,提升國人的太空科技實力。
摘要(英) The purpose of this thesis is to design and develop an ion probe system to obtain ionospheric plasma parameters like ion temperature, ion flow speed etc. The Space Plasma Simulation Chamber located in the Institute of Space Science of National Central University was used to test and verify the functions of the ion probe system. In the experiment, we found back diffusion plasma source of the chamber produces two groups of plasma flow. One of the flow speed is too high to cut down by the limited grid potential in the ion probe. I-V analysis is unable to perform in this case. Although It can be analyzed in the other plasma flow, the unknown of plasma potential makes it difficult to find out the parameters from the I-V curves. By using the turn table to measure the ion saturation current in different angles, ion temperature and ion flow speed can be carefully analyzed by ion flux theory and geometry of the probe. It was found that the ion temperature is about 1500 K and the flow speed is about 370 m/s from the source. The experiment also improves the ability of in-house ion probe system for future sounding rocket and satellite missions and the plasma diagnostics technology in Taiwan.
關鍵字(中) ★ 太空電漿
★ 電漿量測
★ 離子探測器
關鍵字(英) ★ Space Plasma
★ Plasma Diagnostics
★ Ion probe
論文目次 圖目錄 iv
第一章 簡介 1
1.1 電離層 1
1.2 離子探測器用於電離層實地量測之歷史回顧 2
第二章 儀器之系統架構 4
2.1 離子收集器 5
2.2 前置放大器 8
2.3 控制單元 17
第三章 實驗架構 20
3.1 太空電漿模擬艙與改良 20
3.2 真空旋轉平台 25
3.3 監測系統 27
第四章 實驗結果及討論 29
4.1 實驗參數設定 29
4.2 實驗結果 31
4.3 離子溫度與離子前衝速度的估算 34
第五章 結論 42
參考文獻 43
參考文獻 Chao, C. K., Su, S. -Y., and Yeh, H. C., Grid effects on the derived ion temperature and ram velocity from the simulated results of the retarding potential analyzer data., Adv. Space Res., 32(11), 2361, doi: 10.1016/S0273-1177(03)00727-0, 2003.
Kelly, M. C., The Earth’s Ionosphere: Plasma Physics and Electrodynamics, Academic Press, Inc., 1989.
Michael Hassul, Don Zimmerman, Electronic devices and circuits: conventional flow version, ISBN 0-13-520982-X, 1997
Ratcliffe, J. A., Introduction to the Ionospheric and Magnetosphere, Cambridge University Press, London, 1972.
Whipple, E. C., Jr., The equilibrium electric potential of a body in the upper atmosphere and in interplanetary space, ph.D. Dissertation, 1965.
Yeh, K. C. and Liu, C. H., Theory of Ionospheric Waves, Academic Press, New York, 1972.
指導教授 趙吉光(Chi-Kuang Chao) 審核日期 2010-7-22
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