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姓名 紀又綾(Yu-ling Chi) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 資訊工程學系 論文名稱 設計在混合實境學習環境中的代理人及夥伴機器人
(Design an Agent and Partner Robot in the Mixed Reality Learning Environment)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式] [Bibtex 格式] [相關文章] [文章引用] [完整記錄] [館藏目錄] [檢視] [下載]
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摘要(中) 在傳統的課堂學習,老師是知識的主要來源,學生只是被動的聽講、做筆記,牢記老師所教過的知識在考試中獲得高分,常常忽略了理解知識來源、原因、應用與意義。因此對知識的瞭解非常表淺,所獲得的知識不但容易遺忘,亦無法將知識做實際的應用。 提供一個接近真實以及接近學生生活的學習教材與學習活動,讓學生以探索以及討論的方式進行學習,這樣的學習才具有意義。
摘要(英) In the traditional classroom, teachers are the main source of knowledge. Students passively listened to the lectures, make notes, bearing in mind the knowledge taught by teachers. They often overlook the source, reason, application and significance of knowledge. Students not only forget the knowledge easily but also knowledge cannot make practical application. Learning can be meaningful that providing a realistic learning materials and learning activities to enable students to explore and discuss knowledge.
However, creating certain authentic learning environment might not be accessible for classrooms or every subject with concerns of sophisticated equipments, spatial convenience, and extendibility. Mixed reality is a common technology to create an authentic learning environment. The level of verisimilitude and engagement in talking to a physical thing is higher than a virtual thing. In order to allow students to learn in real situations, we must place a real role as an agent into the mixed reality environment. Furthermore, the role must be the student’’s learning partner, so that students can experience deeply. Therefore, in this research, we design a robot which plays the role of students’ representative and partner to enter the mixed reality. There is an authentic interaction between learners, the robot and the surroundings. Students will feel like learning in the physical surroundings and increase their motivation, engagement and involvement
The experiment has 60 subjects and we classified subjects into two groups. The first group learns English in the traditional classroom, and the second groups use our learning system with robot. The experiment result shows that the learning activity with robot can truly increase students’ learning motivation, engagement, involvement, and pleasure in learning process, and has significant effect on students test performances.
關鍵字(中) ★ 代理人
★ 混合實境
★ 機器人
★ 學習夥伴關鍵字(英) ★ robot
★ mixed reality
★ learning partner
★ agent論文目次 中文摘要................................i
目 錄................................ iv
圖 目 錄................................ vi
表 目 錄................................ vii
一、 緒論................................. 1
1-1 研究背景................................ 1
1-2 研究動機................................ 3
1-3 研究目標................................ 4
1-4 研究問題與對策.......................... 5
1-5 論文架構................................ 6
二、 相關研究與理論.......................... 7
2-1 相關理論................................ 7
2-1-1 情緒回饋................................ 7
2-1-2 學習同伴................................ 7
2-1-3 體驗學習(Experiential Learning).......... 8
2-2 相關研究................................ 9
2-2-1 機器人做為呈現教材互動的角色............... 9
2-2-2 利用混合實境加強機器人能力................. 11
三、 人機互動介面分析........................ 13
3-1 Personas................................ 13
3-2 Task analysis........................... 14
3-3 Contextual Inquiry...................... 17
3-4 目標................................. 19
四、 系統設計與實作.......................... 20
4-1 機器人介紹.............................. 20
4-2 系統環境設定............................ 21
4-3 整體架構................................ 22
4-4 機器人程式系統.......................... 23
4-4-1 與學習者互動................................ 23
4-4-2 與環境互動................................ 26
4-4-3 系統使用流程................................ 28
4-5 系統設計................................ 29
4-5-1 機器人設計................................ 29
4-5-2 學習方法設計................................ 31
4-5-3 系統討論................................ 32
五、 實驗與討論............................... 34
5-1 實驗背景................................ 34
5-2 實驗目的................................ 34
5-3 實驗流程設計.............................. 35
5-4 實驗結果................................ 38
5-5 討論.................................. 41
六、 結論................................ ..... 43
參 考 文 獻.................................... 45
附 錄 一.................................... 48
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指導教授 陳國棟(Gwo-dong Chen) 審核日期 2010-7-12 推文 facebook plurk twitter funp google live udn HD myshare reddit netvibes friend youpush delicious baidu 網路書籤 Google bookmarks del.icio.us hemidemi myshare