博碩士論文 975201051 詳細資訊

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姓名 陳鵬壬(Peng-Ren Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 電機工程學系
論文名稱 氮化鋁鎵/氮化鎵/氮化銦鎵電流散佈層應用於大面積氮化銦鎵發光二極體
(AlGaN/GaN/InGaN Current Spreading Layer Used in High Power InGaN Light Emitting Diodes)
★ 磷化銦異質接面雙極性電晶體元件製作與特性分析★ 氮化鎵藍紫光雷射二極體之製作與特性分析
★ 氮化銦鎵發光二極體之研製★ 氮化銦鎵藍紫光發光二極體的載子傳輸行為之研究
★ 次微米磷化銦/砷化銦鎵異質接面雙極性電晶體自我對準基極平台開發★ 以 I-Line 光學微影法製作次微米氮化鎵高電子遷移率電晶體之研究
★ 矽基氮化鎵高電子遷移率電晶體 通道層與緩衝層之成長與材料特性分析★ 磊晶成長氮化鎵高電子遷移率電晶體 結構 於矽基板過程晶圓翹曲之研析
★ 氮化鎵/氮化銦鎵多層量子井藍光二極體之研製及其光電特性之研究★ 砷化銦量子點異質結構與雷射
★ 氮化鋁鎵銦藍紫光雷射二極體研製與特性分析★ p型披覆層對量子井藍色發光二極體發光機制之影響
★ 磷化銦鎵/砷化鎵異質接面雙極性電晶體鈍化層穩定性與高頻特性之研究★ 氮化鋁中間層對氮化鋁鎵/氮化鎵異質接面場效電晶體之影響
★ 不同濃度矽摻雜之氮化鋁銦鎵位障層對紫外光發光二極體發光機制之影響★ 二元與四元位障層應用於氮化銦鎵綠光二極體之光性分析
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摘要(中) 在白光發光二極體照明的應用上,需以大面積發光二極體提高輸出功率並且能有效提升轉換效率,達到節能、環保、低成本的高功率固態照明。但大面積發光二極體隨著高電流注入時,因 N 型氮化鎵半導體的電阻率大都大於 P 型透明導電層,所以會增加 N 型電極附近電流擁塞的情況,而造成元件局部熱累積並使得量子效率急速下降,本論文提供一雙異質接面“氮化鋁鎵/氮化鎵/氮化銦鎵”電子流散佈層,並利用此結構改善發光二極體尺寸大型化時出現之電流擁塞現象,並且對於結構模擬與光電特性有深入的研究與探討。
本論文在光電特性探討方面,與傳統發光二極體相較之下,具單異質接面“氮化鋁鎵/氮化鎵”結構、雙異質接面“氮化鋁鎵/氮化鎵/氮化銦鎵”結構發光二極體的光強度改善,依序增強至 (在350 mA下) 93.7 mW、105.6 mW、115.2 mW。另一方面,由於在不同的異質結構上成長的量子井可能會受到應力的變化而改變量子井中的壓電效應,所以吾人以倒晶格向量空間量測具異質結構之量子井,觀察量子井的晶格應力變化,並配合量子井的光激發光波長定性極化分析,證明量子井受到極化效應卻不影響光輸出功率;並由量測得知光影像變異度依序降低至 (Ref @ 500 mA) 31.5 %、24.3 %、21.4 %,與高電流注入量測發光二極體的接面溫度依序降低為 (Ref @ 350 mA) 132.8 oC、120.1 oC、113.4 oC,可增加商業上元件使用的熱穩定性。
摘要(英) In the application of white-light LED illumination, a bigger illuminating area is needed to increase output power and effectively raise conversion efficiency, further to achieve a high-power solid state lighting that can meet the requirements of energy saving, environment protection and low cost. However, the fact that the resistivity of N-type GaN semiconductor is greater than that of P-type transparent conducting layer can lead to current congestion around N-type electrode and result in local heat accumulation, which will drastically reduce quantum efficiency. In this study, a current spreading layer of dual- herterojunction (AlGaN/GaN/InGaN) was presented to improve the situation of current congestion when a LED of increased size is used. Additionally, a deeper exploration was conducted on structure simulation and photoelectric properties.
In terms of the exploration of the photoelectric properties of LED with current spreading layer, comparison was made between luminous intensities of traditional GaN LED and LEDs with current spreading layer of heterojunctions of AlGaN/GaN and AlGaN/GaN/InGaN structures. The results showed that the luminous intensities of LED with current spreading layer of AlGaN/GaN and AlGaN/GaN/InGaN structures could be improved to 93.7 mW、105.6 mW、115.2 mW when 350mA is applied. On the other hand, due to piezoelectric polarization’’s possible influence on the quantum confined stark effect of multi-quantum well, multi-quantum well with hetero-structure was measured using reciprocal lattice vector space to observe its stress change. Moreover, a qualitative polarization analysis was conducted on the wavelength of the excited light emitted from multi-quantum well to prove the effect of quantum well polarization won’’t be affected by the output power of light. The measurements suggested that the light image uniformity variations were reduced to 31.5 %、24.3 %、21.4 % (Ref @ 500 mA) respectively and the temperatures measured when high current was applied were respectively lowered to 132.8 oC、120.1 oC、113.4 oC (Ref @ 350 mA), which proved that LED with current spreading layer presented in this study can improve the element’’s heat stability for commercial use.
關鍵字(中) ★ 氮化銦鎵
★ 發光二極體
★ 電流散佈
★ 氮化鎵
關鍵字(英) ★ Light emitting doide
★ InGaN
★ GaN
★ current spreading
論文目次 論文摘要 iv
Abstract v
誌謝 vii
目錄 ix
圖目錄 xi
表目錄 xiii
第一章 導論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機 3
1.3 氮化物材料結構與特性 7
1.3.1 晶體結構 7
1.3.2 極化效應之形成與影響 10
1.4 論文架構 18
第二章 具電流散佈層之發光二極體設計與模擬分析 19
2.1 電流散佈層磊晶結構設計 19
2.2 發光二極體製作流程 22
2.3 發光二極體模擬分析 27
2.3.1 二維能帶模擬特性分析 30
2.3.2 三維元件模擬特性分析 33
第三章 具電流散佈層之發光二極體物理特性分析 38
3.1 前言 38
3.2 元件極化效應與光激發螢光光譜特性分析 39
3.2.1 量子井應力分析 40
3.2.2 量子井定性壓電場特性分析 42
第四章 具電流散佈層之發光二極體光電量測與分析 46
4.1 前言 46
4.2 元件電性與片電阻特性分析 48
4.2.1 片電阻量測與電流散佈特性分析 49
4.2.2 元件電流電壓特性分析 53
4.3 元件光電特性與接面溫度特性分析 54
4.3.1 大面積元件光均勻分佈特性分析 55
4.3.2 元件接面溫度與光功率分析 60
第五章 結論 64
參考文獻 65
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指導教授 綦振瀛(Jen-Inn Chyi) 審核日期 2010-7-21
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