博碩士論文 975202080 詳細資訊

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姓名 蔡昌成(Chang-Cheng Tsai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 基於雙核心平台的嵌入式步態辨識系統
(Embedded Gait Recognition System Design Based on Dual-Core Platform)
★ 整合GRAFCET虛擬機器的智慧型控制器開發平台★ 分散式工業電子看板網路系統設計與實作
★ 設計與實作一個基於雙攝影機視覺系統的雙點觸控螢幕★ 智慧型機器人的嵌入式計算平台
★ 一個即時移動物偵測與追蹤的嵌入式系統★ 一個固態硬碟的多處理器架構與分散式控制演算法
★ 基於立體視覺手勢辨識的人機互動系統★ 整合仿生智慧行為控制的機器人系統晶片設計
★ 嵌入式無線影像感測網路的設計與實作★ 以雙核心處理器為基礎之車牌辨識系統
★ 基於立體視覺的連續三維手勢辨識★ 微型、超低功耗無線感測網路控制器設計與硬體實作
★ 串流影像之即時人臉偵測、追蹤與辨識─嵌入式系統設計★ 一個快速立體視覺系統的嵌入式硬體設計
★ 即時連續影像接合系統設計與實作★ Gigabit乙太網路的UDP/IP硬體加速器設計
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摘要(中) 由於人們對於人身財產及居家安全的要求,視訊監控的需求越來越多。但是傳統的視訊監視只能錄下影片,無法針對影像資訊進行即時分析和決策。因此無需人員監看,能夠自動分析影像並提供決策資訊的智慧型視訊監控系統越來越受到大家的關注。本論文因此提出了一個以人類行走步態做為生物特徵的身份辨識系統,針對視訊監控應用,可提供即時影像分析並辨識目標物的身份。
摘要(英) Because people attach great importance to property and home security, the demand for video surveillance increases gradually. However, traditional video surveillance can only record videos, lacks the ability of instant analysis and decision for videos. Accordingly, people pay more and more attention to the development of intelligent video surveillance system. As a result, we propose a gait-based person identification system which can offer real-time video analysis and recognize person identification.
The procedures of our gait recognition system are gait image segmentation, gait feature extraction and probabilistic neural network classifier(PNN classifier). In gait image segmentation, we build a background model to get the foreground object by image subtraction. In gait feature extraction, we compute the vertical and horizontal projection of gait images, and perform Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) to the projection result. After DFT, we use the result as our gait feature vector. Finally, we use PNN classifier to perform gait recognition. Additionally, we optimize the smoothing parameters of PNN by particle swarm optimization (PSO) in order to get the best recognized performance.
The experimental results show that our proposed method reaches high recognized performance. We then implement our gait recognition system on the dual-core embedded system OMAP3530, which contains an ARM processor and a digital signal processor. We analyze the complexity of every function in our method, and let the function with higher complexity perform on DSP to reach excellent system performance.
關鍵字(中) ★ 步態辨識
★ 機率神經網路
★ 粒子群最佳化
★ 嵌入式系統
★ 異質雙核心處理器
關鍵字(英) ★ probabilistic neural network
★ particle swarm optimization
★ embedded system
★ heterogeneous dual-core processor
★ gait recognition
論文目次 摘要.................................................................................................................................i
Abstract ..........................................................................................................................ii
目錄.............................................................................................................................. iii
第一章 緒論..................................................................................................................1
1.1 研究動機........................................................................................................1
1.2 文獻探討........................................................................................................2
1.3 系統架構........................................................................................................6
第二章 步態影像切割..................................................................................................8
2.1 背景模型........................................................................................................9
2.2 移動物偵測與形態學影像處理..................................................................15
2.2.1 移動物偵測.......................................................................................15
2.2.2 形態學影像處理...............................................................................17
2.3 切割步態影像..............................................................................................19
2.3.1 等分區塊處理...................................................................................19
2.3.2 連通元件...........................................................................................21
2.3.3 步態影像大小正規化.......................................................................22
第三章 特徵抽取與步態辨識....................................................................................25
3.1 特徵抽取.......................................................................................................26
3.1.1 水平投影與垂直投影........................................................................26
3.1.2 快速傅立葉轉換................................................................................28
3.1.3 步態特徵抽取....................................................................................30
3.2 機率神經網路分類器...................................................................................31
3.3 機率神經網路最佳化...................................................................................34
第四章 嵌入式系統設計與實做................................................................................39
4.1 開發平臺.......................................................................................................39
4.1.1 硬體架構............................................................................................39
4.1.2 軟體架構............................................................................................42
4.2 系統架構與執行結果...................................................................................44
第五章 實驗................................................................................................................48
5.1 移動物偵測實驗...........................................................................................48
5.1.1 背景模型建立....................................................................................48
5.1.2 移動物偵測實驗................................................................................50
5.2 步態資料庫與等錯誤率...............................................................................51
5.3 步態辨識實驗結果.......................................................................................54
第六章 結論與未來工作............................................................................................59
6.1 結論...............................................................................................................59
6.2 未來工作.......................................................................................................60
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指導教授 陳慶瀚(Ching-han Chen) 審核日期 2010-7-27
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