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姓名 林澤青(Tse-ching Lin) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 電機工程學系在職專班 論文名稱 應用於IEEE 802.11n/b/g 2.4GHz無線基地台之平面式偶極陣列天線研製
(Study of Planar Dipole Antenna Array for IEEE 802.11 n/b/g 2.4GHz Access Point)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式]
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摘要(中) 本論文中研製二款應用於IEEE 802.11n/b/g 2.4GHz 多重輸入與輸出(multi-input multi-output)無線通訊系統之偶極陣列天線(dipole array antenna),天線設計上採一維陣列的架構以及延伸接地面設計,增加天線指向性及偶極天線間之隔離度(isolation) ,並減少多路徑(multi-Path)效應,以提昇該類通訊系統之覆蓋率(indoor coverage)與吞吐量(throughput)。
天線結構採偶極天線為天線元件(element),饋入方式為共同饋入(corporate feed),饋點連接的部分,使用1.32mm線寬的同軸纜線(coaxial cable)及I-PEX接頭,天線間利用50Ω微帶線相連接。天線特性分析使用CST Microwave Studio軟體,模擬結果經由實作量測驗證。模擬與實測結果發現天線特性除保有原偶極天線輻射特性之外,天線增益與指向性也達到一定程度的提昇,最後在實際室內場地802.11n的覆蓋率以及吞吐量的測試上優於傳統單偶極天線。
摘要(英) The design and analysis of dipole arrays for IEEE 802.11n/b/g 2.4GHz multi-input multi-output (MIMO) wireless access points are presented. The one-dimensional array configuration and the extended ground plane are exploited for antenna directivity enhancement. Also, the isolation between elements is improved and the impact of the multi-path effect on system performance is reduced. With the proposed antenna, the indoor coverage and throughput of the MIMO access point are reasonably improved.
The antenna structure consists of a 50Ω microstrip-line feed and two dipole antennas as array elements. The microstrip-line feed is connected to the corporate feed through the 1.32mm coaxial cable with I-PEX connectors. The proposed antenna arrays are characterized with the commercial full-wave electromagnetic solver, CST Microwave Studio. The antenna design is verified through the measurement results. The simulation and measurement results show that the proposed antenna features similar radiation patterns of the traditional half-wavelength dipole. However, the antenna gain and directivity are reasonably increased, which leads to better indoor coverage and throughput associated with the MIMO access point.
關鍵字(中) ★ 天線
★ 陣列式
★ 2.4GHz
★ 802.11n關鍵字(英) ★ antenna array
★ 2.4GHz
★ access point論文目次 中文摘要.............................................. i
英文摘要.............................................. ii
誌謝.................................................. iii
目錄.................................................. iv
圖目錄................................................ vi
表目錄................................................ xii
第一章 序論........................................... 1
1.1 前言.............................................. 1
1.2 研究動機.......................................... 3
1.3 論文提要.......................................... 3
第二章 傳輸線與天線原理............................... 4
2.1 同軸纜線.......................................... 4
2.2 微帶線............................................ 7
2.3 偶極天線分析...................................... 11
2.4 天線陣列與相位陣列................................ 15
第三章 2.4GHz偶極陣列天線設計與分析................... 21
3.1 50Ω微帶線設計..................................... 21
3.2 2.45GHz偶極陣列天線設計........................... 22
3.3 改良型2.45GHz偶極陣列天線設計..................... 34
3.4 天線特性量測...................................... 45
第四章 IEEE 802.11無線區域網路介紹與室內覆蓋率、吞吐量測試.................................................... 69
4.1 IEEE 802.11標準簡介............................... 69
4.2 無線區域網路架構.................................. 71
4.3 室內覆蓋率與吞吐量測試設備、環境與方法介紹........ 75
4.4 室內覆蓋率與吞吐量測試結果........................ 79
第五章 結論........................................... 83
參考文獻.............................................. 84
附錄.................................................. 85
參考文獻 [1]KAI CHANG “RF and Microwave Wireless System” , John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York, USA
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指導教授 陳念偉、許晉瑋
(Nan-Wei Chen、Jin-Wei Shi)審核日期 2010-7-20 推文 plurk
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