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姓名 林惠雯(Hepi Hapsari Handayani)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 遙測科技碩士學位學程
論文名稱 印尼泗水及日惹地區福衞二號影像正射糾正及鑲嵌
(Orthorectification and Mosaicking for FORMOSAT-2 Satellite Images in Surabaya and Yogyakarta of Indonesia)
★ 中華二號衛星影像幾何模擬及方位重建★ 立體航測影像直線與圓弧輪廓建物半自動之三維模型重建
★ 含房屋之中華二號衛星影像幾何模擬及校正★ 空照立體像對中半自動化矩形人工建物重建之研究
★ 近景數化影像半自動式混凝土裂縫量測★ 建築物幾何模塑及其於航照影像正射化之應用
★ EROS A 衛星影像幾何改正之研究★ IKONOS衛星影像正射改正之研究
★ 時間序列之混凝土影像半自動裂縫變遷偵測★ 由EROS A衛星立體對影像產生正射影像及數值地表模型之研究
★ 多重疊航照立體對半自動房屋模型重建★ 結合光達資料與數位空照影像重建三維建物模型
★ 高解析力衛星影像真實正射改正及遮蔽區域補償★ 多航帶推掃式衛星方位平差及影像正射化
★ 結合光達資料與大比例尺向量圖重建三維建物模型★ 空載三線式掃描儀影像立體定位之研究
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摘要(中) 建立空間資訊對於國家來說相當重要,印尼是一個由島嶼組成的國家,位於三大地球板塊交界處包括:太平洋板塊、印澳板塊及歐亞板塊,因此許多天然災害威脅著印尼地區。精確且可更新的空間資訊對於印尼政府相當重要,現今科技之快速發展,使得高解析度衛星影像之獲取更為便利且具經濟價值。由於印尼領土分佈遼闊需要大量衛星影像才可涵蓋,因此衛星影像正射糾正及鑲嵌為必要之處理,而要進行衛星影像正射糾正必須先進行衛星軌道修正。
摘要(英) The establishment of spatial information is an important undertaking for any nation. Indonesia is an archipelagic country. Geographically, Indonesia lies on three different tectonic plates: the Pacific, Indo-Australian and Eurasian plates making natural disasters an ever present threat in the region. Accurate and up-dateable spatial information is the most important resource for the Indonesian government to counteract this threat. Recent leaps in technology leaps have made acquisition of high resolution satellite images possible, which leads the way to convenient and cost-efficient acquirement of image data. Since Indonesia is spread over such a large area, many satellite images are needed to cover the area, making orthorectification and mosaicking of those images important. Hence, orbit adjustment is a prerequisite for the image orthorectification and geometric correction.
關鍵字(中) ★ 鑲嵌
★ 影像正射糾正
★ 福衞二號
★ 印尼
★ 泗水
★ 日惹
關鍵字(英) ★ Indonesia
★ Mosaicking
★ Orthorectification
論文目次 摘要……………………………………………………………….………………….……….i
ENGLISH ABSTRACT…………………………….………………………………….……...ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………………..…....iv
LIST OF FIGURES…………………………………………………..……………….…......vii
LIST OF TABLES…………………………………………………………...........................xii
LIST OF ACRONYMS…………………………………………………………………..….xiv
CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION…………………………...……………………………...…1
1.1. Motivation………..…………….………………...…………………………….................1
1.2. Objectives and Scope…………………..............................................................................2
1.3. Background Information of the Study Area……………………………………..........…..3
1.3.1.General Information of the First Study Area…………………...………………..…3
1.3.2. General Information of the Second Study Area…………………………………....4
CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE RIVIEW……………………………………………...………..6
2.1. Sensor Orientation Modelling…………………………………...………………………..6
2.1.1.Rigorous Sensor Model (RSM)…………………………...…………...…………...6
2.1.2.Rational Function Model (RFM)………....................................................................7
2.2. Block Adjustment…………………………………………………………………………7
2.2.1. Block Adjustment Using Bundle Adjustment………………………...……………7
2.2.2.Block Adjustment Using Direct Georeferencing………………………...…………7
2.2.3.Block Adjustment Using the Rational Function Model (RFM)…………...………..8
2.3. Orthorectification…………………………………..……………………………………..9
2.3.1.Image Back Projection……………………………………………………………..10
2.4. Mosaicking……………………………………………………………………………….10
CHAPTER3. PROPOSED METHOD………………………………….……………………11
3.1. Evaluation of DEM Accuracy……………………………………………...………...….12
3.2. Preliminary Orbit Fitting…………………………………...……………………………13
3.3. Ray Tracing Technique…………………………...……………...……………………...14
3.4. Least Squares Collocation………………………………………………...……………..15
3.5. Orthorectification…………………………………...……………………….…………..16
3.5.1.Adaptive Patch Projection………………………………...………………………17
3.6. Mosaicking………………………………………………………………………...…….18
CHPATER4. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS………………………………………………...19
4.1. Data Acquisition…………………………………………………………………………19
4.1.1. FORMOSAT-2 Satellite Images…………………………………………………..19
4.1.2.Topographic Map…………………………………………...……………………..20
4.1.3.Digital Elevation Model (DEM)…………………………………………………...20
4.2. Results and Analysis………………………………………………………………...…..20
4.2.1.Evaluation of DEM Accuracy…………………………………………………...20
4.2.2. GCPs Marking…………………………………………………………………….24
4.2.3.Tie Point Collection……………………………………………………..…………26
4.2.4.Orbit Adjustment……………………………………………………….………….28 Orbit Adjustment of the First Study Area………………...…….…………30 Orbit Adjustment of the Entire Area in the First Study Area…..30 Orbit Adjustment of the Focus Area in the First Study Area…...34 Orbit adjustment of the Second Study Area……………………………...38 Orbit adjustment of the Entire Area in the Second Study Area...38 Orbit adjustment of the Focus Area in the Second Study Area...42
4.2.5. Orthorectification………………………………………………………………….46
4.2.6.Evaluation of Accuracy of Orthorectification…………………………………......50 Evaluation of Accuracy of Orthorectification for the First Study Area…...50 Evaluation of Accuracy of Orthorectification for the Entire Area in the First Study Area………………………………………….51 Evaluation of Accuracy of Orthorectification for the Focus Area in the First Study Area………………………………………….53 Evaluation of Accuracy in Orthorectification for the Second Study Area...56 Evaluation of Accuracy of Orthorectification for the Entire Area in the Second Study Area………………………...…………….56 Evaluation of Accuracy of Orthorectification for the Focus Area in the Second Study Area……………………………………..58
4.2.7. Mosaicking……………………...………………………………………………...60
4.2.8.Evaluation of Geometric Discrepancies in the Mosaicked Images……………….63 Evaluation of Geometric Discrepancies in the Mosaicked Images for the First Study Area…………………………………………………………..63
viii Evaluation of Geometric Discrepancies in the Mosaicked Images for the Entire Area of the First Study Area…………………….63 Evaluation of Geometric Discrepancies in the Mosaicked Images for the Focus Area of the First Study Area……………………..68 Evaluation of Geometric Discrepancies in the Mosaicked Images for the Second Study Area………………………………………………………..72 Evaluation of Geometric Discrepancies in the Mosaicked Images for the Entire Area of the Second Study Area………………...72 Evaluation of Geometric Discrepancies in the Mosaicked Images for the Focus Area of the Second Study Area……………...…..79
4.2.9. Summary……………..............................................................................................82
CHAPTER 5. CONCLUSIONS……………………………………………………..….…..84
5.1. Conclusions………………………………………………………………………...……84
5.3. Future Works…………………………………………………………………………....84
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指導教授 陳良健(Liang-Chien Chen) 審核日期 2010-7-1
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