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姓名 阮文曉(Nguyen Van)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 遙測科技碩士學位學程
論文名稱 應用Landsat MSS/TM & ETM 影像偵測湄公河的變遷
(Using Landsat MSS/TM & ETM images to detect the changes of the Mekong riverbank in Vietnam)
★ 應用雷達干涉法在彰化縣員林地區地層下陷研究★ 合成孔徑雷達影像之地形線形特徵萃取
★ 應用太空大地測量法探討台南地區之地表變形★ 應用地形分析方法研究台灣中央山脈東翼地表抬升
★ 利用衛星影像萃取近岸地形-以台灣北部為例★ 台灣西南部前陸地區演育與古應力分析
★ 桃園臺地群地表變形與地下構造之研究★ 應用永久散射體差分干涉法觀測台灣北部地區之地表變形
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★ 利用永久性散射體差分干涉法探討台南地區之地殼形變★ 臺灣南部橫貫公路向陽-初來段之構造與邊坡穩定
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摘要(中) 湄公河是世界上第十二大河。河流源頭於中國,中間流經Myanmar、Lao PDR、
Thailand、 Cambodia, 最後流進越南匯入南中國海。湄公河流入越南境內後,分為兩
條支流,分別為東北側的Tien River 及西南側的Hau River。兩條支流又有許多小的支流
共同匯集產生湄公河三角洲,或稱Cuu Long 三角洲(越南語)。湄公河三角洲面積大約
為49520 平方公里,且涵蓋13 個省份,是亞洲最大的三角洲之一。湄公河最大的優勢
活環境遭受到嚴重的破壞。其中又以Hau River 及 Tien River 河岸的變遷最為嚴重。此
外此區的人為影響十分嚴重。本研究利用1972 年、1989 年、以及2002 至2005 年的
Landsat 衛星影像分析,並且應用遙測及GIS 的技術去偵測於1972 年、1989 年、2000
至2005 年、以及1972 年至2005 年間Hau River 及 Tien River 河岸的變遷。除此之外,
摘要(英) The Mekong River is the world’s twelfth largest river. It starts from China and flows through
Myanmar, Lao PDR, Thailand, Cambodia and ends in the South China Sea in Vietnam.
Coming to Vietnam, the river is naturally divided into two main streams; Hau River and Tien
River, and a series of canals are also originated from these two rivers, this creates here a
large delta with name “the Mekong Delta” or “the Cuu Long Delta” in Vietnamese language.
The Mekong Delta in Vietnam is one of the largest deltas in Asia with area of around
49,520km2, and covers thirteen provinces. It has advantageous position, plentiful natural
resource, and keeps important role for developing economy both region and nation,
especially crop product and aquiculture.
However, in recent years, people here have to resist natural disasters as flood, drought, and
landslide, these make environment and life of the region changed seriously. One of the
causes of the disasters is riverbanks change of Tien and Hau river as land erosion and
accretion that are influenced by both natural process and man-made activities.
This study used Landsat satellite images of years 1972, 1989, and of years from 2000 to
2005, and Remote sensing & GIS techniques to detect changes of riverbanks of Tien and
Hau river in periods; 1972 – 1989, 1989-2000, 2000- 2005, and 1972 - 2005. In addition, the
study found main reasons and effects of land erosion and accretion in these rivers, and also
carried out remedies for riverbanks protection works.
關鍵字(中) ★ 影像偵測
★ Landsat MSS/TM &
★  ETM
★ 湄公河
關鍵字(英) ★ Landsat MSS/TM &
★  ETM
★ Mekong riverbank
★ images detection
論文目次 Chinese abstract i
English abstract ii
Acknowledgements iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Figures vii
List of Tables ix
Explanation of Symbols x
Chapter 1: Introduction. 1
1.1. General introduction to the Mekong River. 1
1.2. General introduction to the study area 4
1.2.1. Geography 4
1.2.2. Topography 5
1.2.3. Geology 8
1.3. Research objectives 9
Chapter II: Background of Mekong Delta in Vietnam 11
2.1 Environmental conditions of Mekong Delta 11
2.1.1 Meteorology 11
2.1.2. River systems 12
2.1.3 Oceanography 14
2.1.4. Water resources 15
2.1.5. Soil 15
2.1.6. Saline water intrusion 16
2.1.7. Floods 17
2.2. Economic & Social conditions of Mekong Delta 18
2.2.1. Population and people 18
2.2.2. Economy 20
2.2.3. Transport infrastructure 21
Chapter III: Techniques, Data, and Methodology 23
3.1. Remote Sensing Technology and Geographic Information System (GIS) 23
3.1.1. Remote sensing overview 23
3.1.2. GIS overview 25
3.1.3. Application of Remote sensing and GIS 26
3.1.4. Landsat image sensors 26
3.1.5. Maps overview 28
3.2. Research data 29
3.2.1. Landsat Satellite images 29
3.2.2. Administrative and Topographical maps 29
3.3. Methodology 30
3.3.1. Geometric correction 31
3.3.2. Image thresholding. 33
3.3.3. Spectral band ratio 34
3.3.4. Multiplying image 36
3.3.5. Filtering image 37
3.3.6. Raster to vector conversion 38
Chapter IV: Result and Discussion 40
4.1. The riverbank mapping process 40
4.1.1. Geometric correction 40
4.1.2. Finding the threshold values of Landsat MSS/TM&ETM+ images 41
4.1.3. Band spectral ratio image 42
4.1.4. Multiplying images 43
4.1.5. Filtering images 43
4.1.6. Converting raster to vector data 44
4.2. Comparing the changes of riverbanks and islands 45
4.2.1. The changes of riverbanks in period of 1972 – 1989 45
4.2.2. The changes of riverbanks in period of 1989 – 2000 49
4.2.3. The changes of riverbanks in period of 2000 – 2005 52
4.2.4. The annual mean changes of riverbanks in period of 1972 - 2005 54
4.3. Causes of land erosion/accretion in Tien and Hau river. 56
4.3.1. Annual floods 56
4.3.2. Deforestation 57
4.3.3. Exploiting sand from river bed 58
4.3.4. Dredging the canals and waterway transports 59
4.3.5. Encroaching river bed 60
4.4. Effects from land erosion and accretion in Tien and Hau river 60
4.4.1. Deterioration of living environment 60
4.4.2. People and cost damages 61
4.5. Remedies to reduce land erosion/accretion phenomenon 62
4.5.1. Technical remedies 62
4.5.2. Non technical remedies 63
Chapter V: Conclusion and Recommendation 64
5.1. Conclusion 64
5.2. Recommendation 64
References 66
Appendices 69
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指導教授 張中白(Pai-Chang Chung) 審核日期 2010-7-27
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