博碩士論文 973202029 詳細資訊

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姓名 莊汶雅(Wen-Ya Chuang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 以動態離心模型試驗模擬沉埋隧道上浮機制
(Dynamic centrifuge modeling on uplift mechanism of immersed tunnel)
★ 砂土層中隧道開挖引致之地盤沉陷與破壞機制及對既存基樁之影響★ 以離心模型試驗探討逆斷層作用下單樁與土壤互制反應
★ 攝影測量在離心模擬試驗之應用-以離心隧道模型之地表沉陷量量測為例★ 沉箱式碼頭受震反應的數值分析
★ 軟土隧道襯砌應力與地盤變位之數值分析★ 沉箱碼頭受震反應及側向位移分析
★ 潛盾隧道開挖面穩定與周圍土壓力之離心模擬★ 地理資訊系統應用於員林地區液化災損及復舊調查之研究
★ 黏性土層中隧道開挖引致之地盤沉陷及破壞機制★ 砂土層中通隧引致之地盤變位及其對既存基樁的影響
★ 既存隧道周圍土壓力受鄰近新挖隧道的影響★ 以攝影測量觀察離心土壩模型受滲流力作用之變位
★ 通隧引致鄰近基樁之荷重傳遞行為★ 潛盾施工引致之地盤沉陷案例分析
★ 以離心模型試驗探討高含水量黏性背填土 加勁擋土牆之穩定性★ 懸臂式擋土壁開挖之離心模型試驗
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摘要(中) 隧道建構於高液化潛能之砂土層時,其周圍土壤受到強震作用會發生液化現象,隧道周圍土壤受到超額孔隙水壓力激發之影響,而喪失對隧道的束縛效果,進而使得隧道在強震作用下而上浮。
摘要(英) Saturated loose sand may liquefy during strong earthquakes. Floating of embedded tunnel due to the lighter unit weight of the tunnel during the surrounding soil liquefaction may cause severe damage of tunnel. A series of dynamic centrifuge model tests was conducted in order to investigate uplift behavior of tunnel in the liquefiable sand during 1-D shaking.
The model tunnels used in the study have different unit weights and are embedded in two different embedment depths and in the different sand beds saturated with viscous fluid and water, respectively. Four accelerometers are instrumented in the model tunnel to measure the seismic response of tunnel. A dense array of accelerometers and pore water pressure transducers are also installed to measure the seismic response and the generation of pore water pressure in the surrounding soil during shaking. In addition, several LVDTs are used to measure the uplift of model tunnel, the surface settlement, and the lateral displacements on the wall of laminar box. Several colored sand layers are placed at various depths for observing the ground deformation after the tests.
According to the analysis of model test results, the following conclusions are made: (1) The magnitude of tunnel uplift is significantly influenced by the viscosity of pore fluid and the embedded depth of tunnel. The tunnel will experience the less uplift if the tunnel is embedded in the deeper depth and in the less viscous pore fluid. (2) Once the tunnel begins floating the liquefied sand will squeeze into the tunnel bottom due to high seepage forces form the outside of tunnel and below the tunnel toward the bottom of tunnel. (3) Once the Safety factor against uplift (FS) calculated with the proposed method is less than 1 the tunnel will start floating during shaking.
關鍵字(中) ★ 上浮
★ 沉埋隧道
★ 液化
★ 振動台
★ 離心模型試驗
關鍵字(英) ★ centrifuge modeling test
★ shaking table
★ liquefaction
★ immersed tunnel
★ uplift
論文目次 摘要 i
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
符號說明 xv
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究動機與目的 1
1-2 研究方法 2
1-3 論文架構 3
第二章 文獻回顧 7
2-1 土壤液化 7
2-2 隧道上浮機制 7
2-3 地下結構物抗上浮安全係數 9
2-4 地下結構物於飽和砂土中受振之模型試驗 10
2-5 地下結構物上浮位移量之計算 12
2-6 離心模型原理 18
2-6-1離心模型基本相似律 18
2-6-2動態離心模型基本相似律 19
2-7 小結 22
第三章 試驗土樣、儀器設備及試驗方法 42
3-1試驗方法 42
3-2 試驗儀器及相關設備 42
3-2-1 地工離心機 42
3-2-2 離心振動台與擷取設備 42
3-2-3積層版試驗箱 43
3-2-4移動式霣降儀 43
3-2-5 其他量測工具 44
3-3試驗土樣及土樣工程性質 44
3-3-1 試驗土樣 44
3-3-2 最大最小乾密度 44
3-3-3直接剪力試驗 45
3-4 試驗方法與步驟 45
3-4-1 前置作業 45
3-4-2重模試體之製作: 46
3-4-3離心機飛行前準備與振動試驗 47
第四章 試驗結果與討論 65
4-1分析方法 65
4-2 隧道上浮量、地表沉陷量與側向位移之比較 70
4-2-1隧道上浮反應 70
4-2-2 地盤沉陷反應 73
4-2-3 地盤側向位移 76
4-3 不同試驗條件超額孔隙水壓歷時比較 78
4-4 超額孔隙水壓比 82
4-5 水力坡降 84
4-6安全係數之探討 87
4-7 不同試驗條件加速度歷時之比較 90
4-8 隧道上浮量之計算 92
4-8-1 Tobita隧道上浮計算 92
4-8-2 Sasaki隧道上浮計算 95
4-9 土層變形 100
第五章 結論與建議 179
參考文獻 182
附錄一 模型隧道設計 185
附錄1-A 現地隧道平均單位重與隧道底部接觸應力計算 185
附錄1-B 模型隧道平均單位重與隧道底部接觸應力計算 186
附錄1-C 模型隧道材質選擇 187
附錄1-D 模型隧道細部設計 187
附錄二 滑輪式LVDT架設計 192
附錄2-A 滑輪式位移架變形模擬 192
附錄2-B 滑輪式位移架變形模擬 192
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指導教授 李崇正(Chung-Jung Lee) 審核日期 2010-12-23
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