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姓名 郭佑達(Diego Estuardo Ayala Leiva)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 國際永續發展碩士在職專班
論文名稱 利用地熱發電廢熱水的水果乾燥機之設計
(Design of a Fruit Dryer Using Waste Heat from Geothermal Power Plant)
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摘要(中) 這項研究為以瓜地馬拉的Zunil地熱發電場供水果乾燥機的發電來源。根據乾燥機之方法、操作、乾燥物類別、生產率及此計劃之特性來做乾燥機的設計。研究中顯示,最適合此發電發法之乾燥機為批次箱式乾燥機。此乾燥機的每批生產量為40~45公斤/小時,表示每天可生產出約500公斤的水果乾。為了找出此乾燥機設計中的變量,本文使用Simprosys 2.1軟體模擬整個水果乾燥的過程及計算其質傳/熱傳平衡。從Zunil地熱場流出的攝氏80度廢水被導入熱交換器而成為此乾燥機的熱能來源。從此模擬的乾燥過程中,得出最佳的乾燥空氣設定應在攝氏35度至60度之間;而最佳的氣流率應為15,000公斤/小時,此氣流率能在一定溫度範圍下有最高效能。另一設計中的變量為空氣速率,模擬結果指出空氣速率設定在2.5 m/s最適合此乾燥機之設計。根據上述結果及考慮到循環中橫向部份,最佳的乾燥管路直徑及長度分別為0.637公尺及3.184公尺。
摘要(英) This study proposes the design of a fruit dryer that uses waste heat from the Zunil geothermal power plant in Guatemala. Based primarily on mode, operation, feed class, throughput and the fragility of the product; it was found that the most suitable dryer for this study is a batch cabinet dryer. The dryer capacity is to dry a material flow rate of 40-45 kg/h of fruit per batch, which allow it dries about 500 kg of fruit per day. In the aim of finding the dryer design variables, Simprosys 2.1 software was used to simulate the drying process, and analyze mass/heat balance. Waste water coming out from the Zunil geothermal field at T = 800C will flow through the heat exchanger as the source of heat. From the drying process simulation, it was found that the most suitable working range of drying air temperatures is set between 35 and 600C; it was also noted that an air flow rate of 15,000 kg/h has the highest values of drying efficiencies for all temperatures; another design variable that was determined is the air velocity, from the results obtained, it was found that 2.5 m/s is the must suitable air velocity for the design; based on this results and a considering a circular transverse section, the suggested dryer chamber diameter and length are 0.637 m and 3.184 m respectively.
An environmental impact assessment of constructing a fruit convective batch dryer at the Zunil I geothermal power plant was made using the Rapid Impact Assessment Matrix (RIAM) methodology. The results of the EIA shows around 64% of impacts are positive, and 36% are in the category of negative impacts which indicates this project is feasible and practical to be implemented.
關鍵字(中) ★ 環境影響評估
★ 地熱廢熱利用
★ 水果乾燥
關鍵字(英) ★ Drying of fruits
★ Use of geothermal waste heat
★ Environmental impact assessment
1.1 Research Problem 1
1.2 Purpose of study 3
1.3 Data analysis procedure 3
1.4 Thesis Limitations 4
1.5 Thesis Organization 4
2.1 Geothermal Energy in Power Generation 5
2.1.1 Electric energy in Guatemala 5
2.1.2 Geothermal energy in Guatemala 7
2.2 Geothermal direct use applications 8
2.3 Zunil Geothermal field 11
2.3.1 Underground Resource potential 13
3.1 Quetzaltenango agricultural production 15
3.2 Principles of drying 17
3.2.1 Psychometrics 20
3.2.2Material and Heat Balances 21
3.3 Drying of fruits 22
3.3.1 World production 22
3.3.2 Losses 23
3.3.3 Preservation by drying 23
3.3.4 Pretreatments for drying 23
3.3.6 Quality changes during drying and storage 24
3.3.7 Drying techniques and equipment 24
3.4 Dryer selection methodology 27
3.5 Dryer design 31
3.5.1 Heat & energy requirements 33
3.5.2. Energy efficiency of the dryer 36
3.5.3 Simprosys software 38
3.5.4 Dryer simulation 43 Simulation step for fan 46 Simulation step for heat exchanger 48 Simulation step for dryer 52
4.2 RIAM methodology 58
4.2.1 Introduction 58
4.2.2 The rapid impact assessment matrix 60 Assesment criteria 61 Environmental Components 63
4.2.3 RIAM assessment ranges 63
4.3 Environmental impact assessment of the fruit dryer 66
4.3.1 Description of components 66 Physical/chemical (PC) 66 Biological / ecological (BE) 69 Sociological / cultural (SC) 70 Economic / operational (EO) 71
4.3.2 Results and interpretation 72
5.1 Conclusions 75
5.2 Recommendations 78
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指導教授 吳俊諆(Jiunn-Chi Wu) 審核日期 2010-11-16
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