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姓名 劉正保(Cheng-pao Liu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 營建管理研究所在職專班
論文名稱 營造業品管人員專業職能模型之建構
(Establishment of Competency Model for Construction Quality controller)
★ 應用整合專案交付與建築資訊模型於工程專案之探討★ 建築物維護管理系統之建立
★ 以案例式推理推估營造綜合險保險費率之研究★ 生命週期導向橋梁評估系統之研究
★ 以生命週期為導向之建築物維護資訊管理系統★ 國立大學工程設施BOT財務可行性評估流程之研究-以育成中心與宿舍為例
★ 臺灣地區橋梁維護管理現況與未來發展策略之研究★ 橋梁目視檢測自動化系統之研究
★ 斜張橋目視檢測評估標準建立★ 導入建築物生命週期觀念之物業管理系統
★ 公共工程開口合約之研究-以公路維護為例★ 長橋目視檢測評估方法之研究
★ 公共工程逾期罰款判決態樣之分析與應用★ 共同遲延責任分配之系統化分析方法
★ 工程主控保險計畫現況與改進芻議之研究 -以台北市捷運工程為例★ 臺灣地區橋梁管理系統維護管理決策支援模組之建立-以公路總局為例
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摘要(中) 國內營建業素有經濟火車頭之稱,且與國家經濟發展及人民生活是息息相關的,尤其是營建工程品質的好壞,更是直接影響國家經濟推動的速度,民眾生命財產的安全與生活環境品質的良劣,故營建業為我國重要產業,而工程品管人員則是上述重要的執行者之ㄧ。近年來國內營造業不但面臨經濟不景氣之威脅,更得面臨來自國際營造業之全球競爭,故如何提昇國內營造業品管人員之素質實有加以研究之必要。
摘要(英) The domestic construction industry has been recognized as the lead of economy in Taiwan, which is directly linked to the national economic development and daily life. The construction quality has massive effects on the efficiency of the national economy, life safety, and the quality of the living environment. Therefore, the construction industry is considered as a significant industry in Taiwan. Moreover, quality controller are one of the important performers in the construction industry. In the past few years, the construction industry has been influenced by not only the recent economic downturn, but also the forceful global construction industry competition in the whole world. Consequently, it is essential to explore methods to improve the domestic quality controller performance and to choose eligible quality controller in the construction industry in Taiwan.
In this research, previous relevant quality control knowledge published by researchers is discussed in the literature review section. Next, the piloted questionnaire is used to verify the availability of the eight eligible quality controller competency, which are working hours, organization plan capability, quality control capability, improvement capability, pursuance excellence, responsible conscience, analyzing capability, and implementing capability. With attention to quality control capability, analyzing capability and improvement capability, the three functions are recognized as the major functions by researchers.
In conclusion, the “Construction Quality Controller Competency Criteria” created in this study can be used for human resource management activities for the construction industry, such as recruitment, professional guidance, professional training, promotion …etc. Furthermore, the criteria can assist in enhancing construction quality control quality personnel and the overall construction enterprise competiveness in Taiwan.
關鍵字(中) ★ 工程人員
★ 營建業
★ 營造業品管人員
★ 職能模型
★ 專業職能量表
關鍵字(英) ★ Words: Construction Industry
★ Construction engineer
★ Construction Quality Controller Competency Crite
★ Competency Model
★ Construction Quality Control Personnel
論文目次 目錄
第一章 緒論......................................................1
1.1 研究背景與動機...............................................1
1.2 研究目的.....................................................2
1.3 研究範圍與限制.................................................2
1.4 研究流程與架構.................................................3
第二章 文獻回顧與探討.............................................. 5
2.1 營造業品管人員的角色與法源...................................5
2.2 職能的定義、意涵與分類.......................................15
2.3 品質管理發展與人才需求......................................21
2.4 職能研究方法相關文獻..........................................23
第三章 研究方法................................................... 31
3.1 研究流程....................................................31
3.2 研究工具與對象..............................................34
第四章 資料分析與整理..............................................35
4.1 資料蒐集流程..................................................35
4.2 訪談資料整理與分析............................................36
4.3 題項設計與量表製作..........................................41
4.4 問卷資料分析..........................................42
4.5 問卷信度分析..........................................44
4.6 重要性分析..........................................53
第五章 結論與建議..................................................55
5.1 研究結論................................................55
5.2 研究建議................................................57
參考文獻 .........................................................59
附錄 ............................................................. 61
附錄一 工作說明書..................................................61
附錄二 專家調查問卷................................................63
附錄三 職能需求問卷................................................67
附錄四 營造業品管人員專業職能量表..................................71
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指導教授 姚乃嘉、鄭晉昌
(Nie-Jia Yau、Jihn-Chang Jehng)
審核日期 2011-1-24
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