摘要(英) |
The purpose of this study is to clarify the effects of the product manager’s self role perception against channel manager, and correlation among their management in the IT channel industry, then could point out their difference between each other. By using case study and interview to the nominated product managers of the IT channel industry, we could evaluate how they look upon their job function and how they execute their management.It will go through the main job tasks and responsibilities, key objectives and performance evaluation methods, product management methods, the average product lifecycle management, the difficulties and solutions about product management.
The results of this study :
The nominate entitled with of product manager could clearly identify the difference between product manager and channel manager. That’s why their modes of thinking and orientations of management trends to channel manager. Therefore, they interested in customer management, development and management of channel, the balance of market share, profitability and performance. Besides, under information asymmetry circumstances, channel manager is required to pay close attention about the performance growth and decline, inventory management, and channel varieties. If multi-channel channel conflict occurred, they usually stop annoy by punishment measurement. In addition, channel managers and product managers, are requested to play a cross-functional leadership among individual departments,and to meet the customer requirement with its products and services.
參考文獻 |
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