摘要(英) |
China has become one of the major regions of overseas investment and factory establishment for Taiwan for its geographic advantage, abundant labor force, common language, low labor cost and vast domestic market within China; however, since 2003, economically developed areas in China, such as the Changjiang Triangle and the Zhujiang Triangle, have faced a “labor shortage” issue that has become a great concern of people. The massive labor shortage, particularly the reduction in the number of front line workers, is affecting the productions and operations of Taiwanese-invested enterprises. The incidence of “labor shortage” has profound social and economic reasons. Many Taiwanese-invested enterprises have complainted that some workers seem to have vaporized and disappeared overnight from the coastal regions, and even as these enterprises try to hire workers from the economically underdeveloped areas via the intermediary organizations, the results have not been as effective as anticipated, drawing scarce job applicants only. Some enterprises, in their efforts to hire workers, have continued to raise the wages of production workers and the variety of benefits, listing in their hiring advertisements wage criteria that workers would not dare to dream of in the past. However, even with the pay raises, the labor demands of many private enterprises still have not been met. Presently, there isn’t any more effective approach or solution for this issue, and therefore, it is worthy of investigation and exploration.
Hence, this thesis study examined, as the subject of the case study, the molding & stamping factory of Delta Electronics, Inc’s Wujiang plants. Besides reviewing the relevant literatures, the improvement strategies, in respect to human resources, undertaken by the company studied for attracting job applicants, such as upgrading salary structure, dormitory conditions and meal quality, were investigated, the company’s performance data in production management between 2009 and 2010 were collected, and the beneficial results prior to and following the company’s introduction of manpower saving and automation plans were compared, examining how the introductions of manipulators and assembly lines, cartridge moulds, hot runner molds, four-cavity molds, silicon steel single-molding moulds and future projects such as the incorporation of robots had affected the performance results of manpower saving and automation and how these manpower saving and automation practices had reduced an enterprise’s dependency on the labor force and the impact of increased HR cost that resulted from an enterprise’s continuous enhancing of wage and benefits. Finally, through the successful experience and implementation effectiveness of the molding & stamping factory of the company studied in manpower saving and automation in the aspect of injection molding, these manpower saving and automation solutions can also be provided to the other Taiwanese-invested enterprises in the injection molding industry in China besides their expansions to the studied company’s other plants in China, promoting the industry’s technical advancements, alleviating the labor shortage problem and enhancing an enterprise’s business competitiveness.
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