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姓名 郭正漢(Cheng-han Kuo)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 併購動機、併購對象之選擇與併購後之整合階段分析-以O公司併購L公司為例
★ 台灣TFT-LCD產業之競爭策略分析–以關鍵性零組件產業結構之研究★ 以價值鏈及SWOT分析來探討台灣聚酯產業之競爭優勢
★ 國際化之經營策略分析-以國際筆記型電腦廠商進入大陸市場為例★ 企業轉型策略之探討-以ABC公司為例
★ 跨國性企業併購之個案研究★ 金控公司顧客關係管理的運作流程與運用發展之探討-以C公司為例
★ 全民健保總額支付制度之探討-以教學醫院為例★ 台灣幼教業西進大陸經營策略分
★ 建立以顧客價值認知之服務行銷-以C公司為例★ 台灣地區啤酒銷售與行銷策略之探討 -以三家啤酒公司品牌經營為例
★ 休閒食品於中國大陸地區行銷策略之探討-以P公司爲例★ 以國外授權品牌進入台灣與中國市場的行銷策略-以製筆業 A公司為例
★ 工業電腦用電源供應器之國際行銷策略之研究 -以F公司為例★ 台灣進口車的競爭優勢策略研究-以個案公司之利基市場為例
★ 台商在大陸的經營策略之研究-以汽車銷售服務業H公司為例★ 在滬台籍人士就醫機構選擇因素之研究
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摘要(中) 隨著全球化趨勢之興起,許多企業紛紛運用「併購」之方式提升競爭優勢,以因應競爭愈來愈激烈之產業環境。2002年,台灣正式公布「企業併購法」,使得國內企業在運用併購策略上有了更詳盡之法規可以遵循,進而帶動了國內企業併購活動之蓬勃發展。另一方面,近年來國際市場上許多企業運用科技產品結合時尚設計之創新理念開發科技精品,例如:2007年,韓國手機大廠(LG)選擇與時尚精品界巨擘品牌(PRADA)作結合,共同發表全新概念之精品手機,不僅提高了高科技產品之附加價值,同時亦創造出流行話題。
本研究採用個案分析法,透過與高階主管的訪談,並進行相關文獻及次級資料的蒐集與分析。根據研究結果本研究獲得三項結論。首先,個案公司有鑑於產業環境之快速變遷,以及近年來國際市場掀起一股科技產品結合時尚設計之潮流,洞悉併購為未來提升競爭優勢的方法之一;另一方面,個案公司期望能夠透過併購之方式為投影事業注入更多的創意設計,以及順利將品牌帶入大中華市場,因此決定進行併購。再者,個案公司經過多方面之評估,認為L公司不僅帶給個案公司更高的經濟利益,亦能夠提升個案公司於大中華地區的品牌知名度,故選擇L 公司進行併購,並於2007年立即展開併購流程。最後,個案公司針對併購後可能產生的風險制定整合管理之配套措施,以至於個案公司於併購後能夠快速地穩定公司營運,加快整和作業之執行效率。除此之外,本研究綜觀整體併購過程進而提出三項策略性建議,包括參考國外類似的併購案例之作法、提升雙方公司文化之契合度,以及重視人力資源管理。
摘要(英) Following the increasing trend of globalization, many corporate entities have begun using the “merger” to increase their competitiveness in order to face the increased challenges of a highly competitive corporate environment. In 2002 Taiwan formally introduced “corporate merger legislation”, giving local corporations a legal framework with which to engage in merger strategies, resulting in many such mergers being carried out in Taiwan. Additionally, in recent years many corporations in the international market have been combining high-tech products with fashionable designs with the goal of creating innovative and fashionable high-tech products. For example, in 2007, the Korean mobile phone giant LG cooperated with the popular fashion designer PRADA to jointly create trendy and fashionable cell phones, combining technological innovation with fashion to create a popular new product.
The companies mentioned in this research believe that the successful company L merger also led to the unusual cooperation in 2007 between Phillips and Swarovski two completely unrelated companies, bringing together different types of expertise, to create artistically designed technological products, giving both companies new business opportunities. Additionally, the merger between the aforementioned companies served as a major research precedent for the merger between Taiwan’s first high tech company and a fashion designer.
As such, this research is primarily focused on research inot the merger process between the aforementioned companies and company L, including the motivation behind the merger, how they chose their cooperative partners, and how integration was supervised during the merger process. The aim to learn how the companies involved can maintain efficient management during the process and discover the factors that contribute to a successful partnership, to use as future strategic advice for other companies.
This research is conducted using case analysis, interviews with upper management, and related information gathered from the literature as well as other secondary data sources for analysis. Based on our research we have come to 3 conclusions. First, the case companies have, in order to deal with the rapid changes in the corporate environment in recent years, as well as the recent international market trend of combining technological products with fashion designs, concluded that undergoing mergers and partnerships with fashion designers is an effective way of increasing their competitiveness; additionally, the case companies also hope that through mergers they can bring in new, fresh, and creative ideas in order to successfully market their products in the greater Chinese market. Second, the case companies, having conducted evaluations from many angles, believe that merging with company L will not just increase their own revenue but can also increase the brand recognition of their products on the greater Chinese market, causing them to begin the merger process starting in 2007. Finally, after completion of the merger, the case companies have greater protection against potential risks, allowing them to quickly stabilize the operation of their companies, increasing the efficiency and speed of integration. Additionally, this research proposes 3 strategic suggestions for companies considering a merger, including; studying foreign precedent merger cases of similar companies, improving the compatibility of the corporate culture for both companies, and focusing on human resource management.
關鍵字(中) ★ 併購執行
★ 併購對象
★ 併購整合
★ 併購動機
★ 併購
關鍵字(英) ★ Merger Execution
★ Merger Partner
★ Merger Integration
★ Merger Motive
★ Merger
論文目次 第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 4
第三節 研究流程 5
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節 併購動機 7
第二節 併購程序與風險 21
第三節 併購整合 36
第三章 研究方法 45
第一節 研究架構 45
第二節 研究方法 46
第三節 研究對象 47
第四章 個案研究 49
第一節 個案公司概況 49
第二節 併購動機 64
第三節 選擇併購對象與併購執行過程 69
第四節 併購整合階段與策略性建議 84
第五章 結論與建議 89
第一節 結論 89
第二節 建議 92
第三節 研究限制 94
參考文獻 95
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指導教授 李小梅 審核日期 2011-5-23
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