姓名 |
游靖宇(Ching-yu Yu)
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畢業系所 |
客家政治經濟研究所 |
論文名稱 |
客家產業政策成效評估之研究 (The Study of Hakka Industry Policy Performance Evaluation)
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摘要(中) |
摘要(英) |
Ever since the implementation of the policy, the goal of “The Facilitation Plan for Hakka Specialty Industry” has been reached every year. The number of facilitated business entities is far over the target. Undoubtedly, in terms of the “quantity”, it is growing. Whereas, in terms of the “quality”, whether it is feasible to integrate Hakka culture and industry as originally planned, and deeply planting into local specialties, or to improve people’s view to Hakka industry, is an issue to be discussed.
As such, the objectives of this study are: (1) Exploring the view and
recognition of the policy stakeholders to the development plan of Hakka specialty industry, as well as the status of cooperation. (2) Exploring the necessity of implementing the Hakka specialty industry facilitation plan, and the performance or difficulties after the implementation. (3) Forming the “Performance Evaluation Indicators Relative Weighted System of Hakka Specialty Commodities Facilitation Plan Promoted by the Council for Hakka Affairs” through the Analytic Hierarchy Process for future reference of policy amendment.
Thus, this study is mainly started from the understanding of the essence of the issues by field visiting, followed by collecting and analyzing documentaries in order to derive the core of the study, plus searching the feasible study method from theories and concepts. The policy implementation and the performance evaluation involve with various perspectives, therefore, the indicators is constructed from diversified aspects. Then, the study is undertaken by adopting in-depth interview and analytic hierarchy process. The conclusion of the study is as follows: (1) the facilitation of sales channels is able to introduce a lot of business opportunities, but only in short term period. (2) The plan is highly recognized, but the scheduling has limited its performance. (3) The budgeting and subcontracting strategic planning is not yet completed. (4)The flexible facilitation and the response mechanism are to be strengthened slightly. (5)The reviewing mechanism is much concerned by the stakeholders. (6) The cultural related indicators are highly concerned. (7) The plan performance evaluation indicators focuses more on the quantity than the quality.
關鍵字(中) |
★ 政策指標 ★ 政策評估 ★ 客家特色產業 ★ 層級分析 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ Analytic Hierarchy Process ★ Policy Indicators ★ Policy Evaluation ★ Hakka Specialty Industry |
論文目次 |
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究概念界定 6
第二章 文獻探討 9
第一節 地方特色產業與客家特色產業 9
第二節 客家特色產業輔導計畫政策背景 23
第三節 政策評估 34
第三章 研究設計 47
第一節 研究架構 47
第二節 研究方法 53
第三節 研究流程 61
第四節 研究範圍與限制 63
第四章 客家產業政策成效評估指標之量化分析 65
第一節 客家產業政策成效評估之構面分析 67
第二節 客家產業政策成效評估之次級指標分析 70
第五章 客家產業政策成效評估指標之質性分析 85
第一節 政策成效評估指標開放性編碼分析 86
第二節 輔導效果性之深度訪談分析 92
第三節 輔導效率性之深度訪談分析 113
第四節 計畫充分性之深度訪談分析 123
第五節 輔導公平性之深度訪談分析 137
第六節 計畫回應性之深度訪談分析 143
第六章 結論與建議 151
第一節 研究結論 152
第二節 研究建議 161
參考書目 165
壹、中文部分 165
貳、西文部分 168
附錄一 AHP層級分析問卷 170
附錄二 已編碼文本段 187
參考文獻 |
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指導教授 |
周錦宏(Chin-hung Chou)
審核日期 |
2011-7-26 |
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