博碩士論文 980202001 詳細資訊

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姓名 郭勁廷(Jing-ting Guo)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 遙測科技碩士學位學程
論文名稱 差分干涉雷達地變形方向模糊的最佳分解
(Optimal Resolving Directional Ambiguity in DInSAR Deformation Mapping)
★ 2.4GHz無線傳輸系統於遙測與GPS數據整合之研製★ 2.4GHz之無線電波室內傳播通道特性量測與分析
★ K波段地面鏈路降雨衰減效應之研究★ 多層非均勻介質之微波散射模擬分析
★ 全球衛星定位系統(GPS)接收器RF module設計與製作★ 全球衛星定位系統(GPS)接收器 基頻電路與天線之設計製作
★ Ka 波段地面鏈路降雨效應與植被遮蔽 效應之研究★ 地面遙測影像雷達發射與接收模組之設計
★ 合成孔徑雷達之移動目標物速度估測研究★ 微波散射理論於地表散射之研究
★ 一個新穎的方法來實現高光譜遙測影像分類★ 5.3GHz 昇頻器與降頻器設計與製作
★ 5.3GHz室內電波傳播特性量測與分析★ 地面遙測影像雷達及數位信號處理之設計
★ 5.3GHz射頻放大器模組之設計與製作★ 5.3GHz無線網路收發機之基頻電路設計與製作
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摘要(中) 干涉雷達利用感測器收發訊號得到相位差對於地球表面資訊的萃取是很有用的技術。然而,有待討論的問題是單純用此技術得到的位移結果是相對於感測器的斜距方向,並非當地的垂直或水平位移,但若結合多觀測姿態就可以解決垂直和水平方向模糊的問題。
  本研究提出一個基於加權最小平方的最佳求解法,結合昇、降的軌道模式求解三維地變形。而此研究方法和過去不同的是求解結果為三維方向位移量並非斜距方向位移量,除了能直接了解當地地變形情形外和地變形中心外,同時也便於與水準測量或GPS量測的結果來做直接比較。假設所有的測量無論是昇或降軌道模式是不相互影響的、各個資料面互相獨立,但在不同的相位值和同調性是相關的,於此最佳線性估計的求解方法便可實現。為了進一步的驗證由ALOS- PALSAR多組的干涉結果在求解地變形結果是可靠的,必須與精密水準測量的結果比較。
摘要(英) Radar interferometry is a powerful technique for extracting information about the Earth’s surface using the phase difference between the signals arriving at the sensor antenna during repeated observations from the same platform. However, the problematic issue is that since radar senses and measures in slant range, it does not tell whether the displacement comes from horizontal or vertical direction, namely, a directional ambiguity inherently exists.
A method based on weighted least squares is proposed to resolve it by integrating both ascending and descending orbits in order to determine whether the deformation is of uplift type or of subsidence. The resolved deformation pattern into three directions is useful to understand the movement mechanism and also to facilitate the direct comparison with ground leveling or measurements. Assuming that all the measurements, whether descending or ascending, are uncorrelated and independent but with different phase variances depending on the coherence, best linear unbiased estimator may be derived. To better confirm the subsidence map derived from series ALOS-PALSAR image data takes, comparisons with the precision leveling survey were made.
Excellent agreement was obtained on both the spatial pattern and scale at centimeter resolution. Both ascending and descending mapping results indicate that the maximum subsidence rate in that period as about 6.7 cm/yr (at an epicenter). It was suggested that reliable deformation estimate is contingent upon the combination of long-term and short-term observations using dual-beam SAR image data sets preferably at different inclination angles.
關鍵字(中) ★ 差分干涉合成孔徑雷達
★ 三維地變形
關鍵字(英) ★ 3D deformation mapping
論文目次 中文摘要....................................................i
英文摘要 Abstract.........................................iii
第一章 緒論.................................................1
1-1 介紹...................................................1
1-1-1 DEM.................................................2
1-1-2 ALOS/PALSAR.........................................3
1-1-3 ENVISAT.............................................5
1-2 研究動機與目的...........................................6
1-3 文獻回顧...............................................7
1-4 研究方法...............................................8
1-5 論文架構...............................................8
第二章 合成孔徑雷達影像特性與基本原理...........................10
2-1 干涉合成孔徑雷達基本原理.................................10
2-1-1 重複軌道式干涉........................................10
2-1-2 InSAR幾何與證明......................................12
2-2 差分干涉合成孔徑雷達基本原理..............................15
2-2-1 數值地形模型.........................................17
2-2-2 地變形量測...........................................18
2-3 誤差來源分析...........................................20
2-4 形成干涉之限制條件及影響因素..............................21
第三章 差分干涉合成孔徑雷達影像處理與模擬.......................25
3-1 DInSAR影像模擬........................................25
3-1-1 DInSAR影像模擬流程...................................26
3-1-2 彰化雲林地區下陷背景模擬...............................27
3-1-3 相位雜訊模型(phase noise model)模擬...................28
3-2 DInSAR處理流程........................................34
3-3 相位資訊影像處理........................................35
3-3-1 相位濾波器...........................................36
3-3-2 全相位回復...........................................38
第四章 差分干涉合成孔徑雷達之三維地變形求解......................42
4-1 三維地變形求解..........................................42
4-2 最小平方法.............................................47
4-3 加權最小平方法..........................................48
4-4 加權矩陣..............................................49
4-5 三維地變形求解靈敏度.....................................52
4-6 三維地變形模擬求解......................................53
4-6-1 三維地變形求解之誤差分析...............................68
第五章 彰化雲林下陷地區觀測求解................................73
5-1 彰化雲林地區下陷背景.....................................73
5-2 觀測結果分析與比較......................................74
第六章 結論與未來展望........................................85
6-1 結論..................................................85
6-2 未來展望..............................................87
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指導教授 陳錕山(Kun-shan Chen) 審核日期 2011-7-26
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